Chapter 9

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Your P.O.V.
I was so eager for school to be done so I can run home.
So I can drown my sorrows by crying into my pillow.
But... I had stay for an after school f*cking assignment!
Stupid over dramatic music teacher, wanting me to practice after school.
There's now a 50,50 chance Zane will catch up to me and want to talk now!
I sighed heavily while, I pressed my back up against the music room door.
I slid down un I was sitting.
"Time to think of" I mumbled to myself.
I tried out the first song I had planned.

Th door soon busted open making me fall forward, my face now squished into the floor.
"Oh! Sorry Y/n!" Said the voice of Dottie.
"Yeah,sorry Y/n!" Said the voice of Rylan.
I got up and dusted myself off, "it's ok, what's wrong?" I asked.
They moved out of the way to show Daniel.
He had cuts, scrapes and dirt all over him.
"Ohhhhhh my poor little sugar muffin!!" I said taking his hand in mine.
I dragged him to a chair and sat him down.
Good thing I now keep a first Aid kit in my bag.
It comes in handy if a cut is stinging.
"What happened!?!?" I asked confused, I started taking a warm wet soap covered cloth, don't question, and wiping the bleeding cuts to wash them out.
"Well.." Dottie started.
"Daniel got into a fight." Rylan said.
"What!?! Who would fight you!?! I'll beat their ass!!" I growled, as I put some polysporin on scrapes.
Daniel winced a little but stayed perfectly still.
"You see Y/n.." Rylan started.
Dottie quickly covered his mouth, "Warewolves fight all the time! It just got out of hand.. heh.." Dottie said.
I shrugged as I bandaged up cuts, big cuts got bandaged and small ones got a bandaid.
Once I finished cleaning him up, Rylan, Daniel and I leaned against the wall, Rylan on my right, Daniel on my left.
Dottie sat in front of me.
All of a sudden Daniel started crying.
"I-I don't wanna fight!!!!" I cried.
I pulled him close to me and stroked his hair.
"I-its ok Daniel! We'll be there to kick butt with ya!" Dottie said quickly.
Daniel sniffled and nodded.
Maybe a song would cheer him up.
I quickly though of one and sang it.

Daniel was curled in a ball asleep in the floor.
I giggled.
"We'll take him home, thanks for the help Y/n!" Dottie chirped.
I giggled, "Don't mention it!" I said.
Rylan carried Daniel and walked out the door, with Dottie following behind.
I shut the door and went back to leaning against it.
I was about to try out another song when someone else form the other side started singing.

(Sorry the voice kinda sounds feminine legs just blame this on puberty XD)
I knew who it was.
I covered my mouth and tried to stop crying, but tears kept escaping.
I quickly got up and opened the door.

There stood...


He had his mask down and he gave me a small smile.
"Can we talk?" He asked.
I nodded letting him in the music room, I shut the door behind us.
"Listen.. I just want to know.. if you care about me anymore.." I said staring at my feet.
"Of course I do. I'm sorry that I lied twice.
I'm sorry for pain I put you through.
Forgive me?" He asked, about to hug me.
I stepped back, he was a bit shocked but lowered his arms.
"What do you know about me?" I asked him.
He was surprised by my question.
"Come again?" He asked.
"What. me?" I asked.
"I know lots of stuff about you, like when you're angry, annoyed, or sad you go to our special tree.
You have abusive parents, you love to sing, and before every performance you do breathing exercises to keep your heart steady.
I know that you adore cute things, you love your siblings, when you pout you blush.
You want me to say more?"he asked raising an eyebrow.
I nodded.
"Well, your favourite band is F/B, you love kicking ass, you cry every time you watch a sad movie, when you hug people you always want to do the awkward sibling hug from gravity falls (sorry if ya don't! Just roll with it!!)
When you laugh it sounds like how a kitten would, you have cat ears and tail that pop out when you're feeling an emotion they also change your hair color, see your cat ears and tail are out right now, and half your hair is blue half yellow." He said gesturing to me.
He was right.
He sat down on the floor, I followed his action and sat beside him.
"You love to cuddle into my chest because you claim it's way warmer then anything you've ever felt.
You don't really like to tell people your name because your afraid people will think it's ugly and bully you,
You get all A's in music because you're amazing at it! You look beautiful in dresses, but dresses really aren't your style.
You give the warmest hugs ever, and when you sing people stop whatever they're doing to listen to your beautiful voice.
People that are your friends adore you because you're so helpful.
Y/n, you're beautiful, talented, smart, helpful, caring, funny, playful, just... my everything..." Zane said looking deeply into my eyes.
He means everything he's saying...
I couldn't help but cry, I smushed my face into his warm chest.. oh Irean this is the warmest thing I've ever felt!!!
My sobs turned into crystal then sniffles.
"I love you Y/n L/N." Zane said hugging my tightly.
"I love you too Zane Ro'meave." I said back.
I hope things are now steady with him and I..
I like it.. no, I love it when he's being truthful to me..
I hope it does stay like this..
To be continued...

Are you ok?Lets talk..~Zane x Reader PDH book 2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ