Chapter 22

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Baekhyun squinted as a bright light shone on his face, slowly he opened his eyes only to close them again when the light blinded him. He began blinking like crazy to somehow get used to the light.

Lazily he sat up, the covers slipping down to his waist. The chill air hit his naked skin making him shiver.

Suddenly memories from last night came into his mind, to confirm that it was not a dream or a halucnationBaekhyun slowly shifted his gaze down to find Chanyeol still sleeping soundly, one of his arms were wrapped around Baekhyun's waist.

Baekhyun's breath hitched and as careful as he could he lifted the arm off, slipped out of the bed, the first step he took felt like hell, after taking a slow breath he started tiptoeing around the room to find his robe and phone.

After finally finding them he snuck out of the room and went over to the bathroom, he craved taking a hot steaming shower, first, he grabbed a plastic zip lock bag from the kitchen.

Baekhyun locked the bathroom door and turned the shower on, he waited a couple of seconds for the water to get warm before stepping in, he made sure that no water could get inside the bag.

The water hit his body and he realized it was too hot, you know that thing you do when the water is too hot, yeah he did that. After getting used to the water he sat down and turned the phone on.

First, he checked the time


The others were definitely up by now. Baekhyun opened the messenger app, and as he had thought all of them he wanted to talk to was on.

Annoying prick changed the group name to 'GUYS! GET TF ON!'

Cooking Mama: Wtf do you want

Might be pregnant: I agree with Soo

Might be pregnant: Wait! Who changed my name

Might be pregnant changed their name to Coffee 101

Looks 10: Baekhyun I was taking a nap

Annoying prick: Well I have news

I am not funny: First of all, I am really fucking funny shut your mouth

I am not funny: Second of all, who died

Annoying pick: My ass

Cooking mama: Wat

Looks 10: Wutwut

Coffee 101: ???

I am not funny: I don't want to know but at the same time I want to know

Annoying prick: Chanyeol and I did it

Looks 10: No fucking way...! 

Cooking mama: BYUn!

Cooking mama: you told me that I am too young but you do it?

Annoying prick: Shush child

Coffee 101: Now

Coffee 101: How big??!?!?!?!?!

I am not funny: Minseok wtf

Annoying prick: Disappointing

Cooking mama:.....That sounds like a lie

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