chapter 19

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Not read through this, sorry for mistakes..... lol

"Aah~ fresh air!" Baekhyun jumped out off the bus, fixing his hat and scarf before walking to grab his bag.

Soon Chanyeol was pushed out off the bus by Jongdae who laughed loudly when the giant nearly face planted into the snow. Kyungsoo and Jongin walked off too, Kyungsoo went over to the edge while Jongin got their bags out, Yixing and Luhan were both having a conversation in Chinese while Sehun awkwardly stood beside them.

Jongdae jumped over to Baekhyun "Did you bring skates?" He stood beside Baekhyun, his eyes filled with hope. Baekhyun shook his head and Jongdae made an offended expression "How dare you?" 

"Don't worry Jongdae I brought a pair." Junmyeon held up a bag, Jongdae ditched Baekhyun to go and discuss when they would go skating.

The bus drove off leaving a trail of faint exhaust fumes.

"Okay, the next bus we're going to take will be here in ten minutes." Jongin handed Kyungsoo his bag "Also, can someone help me carry all these presents?" The 8 people who where there ignored him and faked a conversation with each other, Jongin glared at them "Thanks a lot, guys. I appreciate it."

"Uh, where is Minseok?" Jongdae asked when he noticed that he was missing his boyfriend by his side. Minseok's bag was beside him but the boy was nowhere to be found.

There was a faint scream behind them, making all of them turn around to see Minseok sliding down the ice like it was a slide, only that he was not having fun and he looked terrified. 

"I CAN'T STOP!" With that Minseok zoomed past them, Jongdae reacted fast and ran after him. The second Baekhyun had heard screaming he had taken out his phone and was now recording it all.

Chanyeol peeked over Baekhyun's shoulder to see that the other was recoding, he placed a hand on Baekhyun's shoulder and the recording male not expecting it all dropped the phone on the ice and it began sliding down after Minseok and Jongdae who was now on their way up.

"MY PHONE!" Baekhyun screeched and dived after it, sliding down the ice-covered ground on his stomach like a penguin, while Kyungsoo screamed at him that the bus would be here any minute.

Chanyeol watched as his idiot boyfriend slide into a pile of snow and knocked into a pole.


"Ouch ouch, stop!" Baekhyun slapped Kyungsoo's hands away, apparently when he slammed into the pole, he cut open his lip.

Kyungsoo threw the bloodied papers in a plastic bag "Now don't touch your lip, no kissing either."

"Wasn't thinking about it."

The red/black haired chuckled "Now get out of the bathroom, I need to shower." He grabbed Baekyun's hand and dragged him up, then pushed him outside and locked the door.

"Should I get Jongin?" Baekhyun said jokingly. The door unlocked and Kyungsoo stuck his head outside nodding. Baekhyun faked a gag "We're in high school, why are you going at each other like bunnies!?"

"Who said anything about that, besides I'm still a virgin." Kyungsoo rolled his eyes, clearly not giving a shit "Now go and get him."

"Yes." Baekhyun slowly backed away from the bathroom door then running into the living room, Jongin along with Chanyeoland Sehun was playing some type of card game. Baekhyun cleared his throat and three pairs of eyes stared at him"Jongin, Kyungsoo wants you in the shower."

Immidealtu the tan male flung his cards over the table, rose up from the couch. He walked around the coffee table "See ya later." He saluted just as he disappeared down the hallway behind Baekhyun.

"Where's Minseok, Jongdae, Luhan, Yixing, and Junmyeon?" Baekhyun asked as he sat down beside Chanyeol and put his head on the giant's shoulder.

"Junmyeon and Jongdae is outside skating, Luhan and Minseok are attempting to make food." Sehun said while he started to clean up all the cards that were scattered around "And Yixing is sleeping, while I Oh Sehun is being the third wheel." The youngest slapped the card box down on the table, then let his head fall and hit the table with a loud bang and groaned.

Chanyeol patted Sehun's black hair "Don't worry, you will find love soon my friend."

"Chanyeol he already has," Baekhyun mumbled as he tried to stifle a yawn, suddenly feeling sleepy.


"Are you dumb or just playing?"

"No, I'm serious, who?"

Baekhyun looked at the giant dumbfounded "Deer looking guy? Does that ring a bell?"

"Oooh, that guy." Baekhyun facepalmed at how stupid Chanyeol could be sometimes, they had legit talked about Sehun's major crush on Luhan since they found the boy stalking him on insta.

"Baekhyun!" Minseok appeared out of nowhere, looking slightly panicked but also happy at the same time "Bottom talk!"

"What the-" Baekhyun didn't manage to say anything since Minseok came up to him and dragged him out of the room, down the hall past the bathroom that was surprisingly quiet, then into the kitchen (that kinda smelled like burnt food) where Luhan stood pretending that he was cleaning the dishes.

"Luhan cut the crap and get tell me the truth, I got my boy Baekhyun here too," Minseok spoke in a stern voice and Luhan froze, staring at them both like a deer caught in the headlights. Baekhyun looked at the two confused about what kinda mess he had been dragged into now.

"I have no idea what you're talking about Minseok." Luhan laughed nervously, there he stood cleaning the dish brush with a sponge.

"Oooooooh Seeeee-huuuuuun." Minseok sang as he danced around Luhan, he made a heart with his hands and pointed at Luhan's heart "You liiiiiiiiike him."

That's when Baekhyun grasped the situation and joined Minseok with the singing, Luhan tried to ignore them as much as possible but failed miserably. The deer looking boy grabbed a handful of foam and threw it first at Baekhyun then at Minseok.

Baekhyun got some of it his mouth "Yuck!"He ran to the sink and spit it out, grabbed some of the foam too and threw it at Luhan. Luhan somehow ducked away from it and the foam it Minseok instead.

Minseok looked at Baekhyun like he had just killed his whole family "I thought we were a team!" Minseok also grabbed some foam and threw it at Baekhyun, Baekhyun used Luhan as a shield.

Basically, there was a full out foam fight in the kitchen

"Hey what's for-" 

The three soap covered boys froze as they slowly turned their heads to look at whoever they had hit on accident. Junmyeon who had just come inside from being in the snow, he wiped the soap off his face and flicked it on the floor.

"SOAP FIGHT!" Junmyeon yelled and joined in on the fun, he also grabbed some foam from the sink.


"Why does the food taste like dish soap?" Jongdae questioned as he stared at the instant ramen in the bowl.

Luhan, Minseok, Baekhyun, and Junmyeon stared at each other then shrugged.

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