Chapter 11

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Y'all where can I get this ℓ shit???

Like what do I have to download to get that one specific L shit?

Anyway let's get on with the story lol

"This is madness!" Jongdae collapsed on the music room floor and rolled around then stopped to lay in a fetus position.

Baekhyun sighed "Calm down Jongdae it won't help if you keep stressing."

"I agree with him Dae," Minseok walked over to the boy on the floor "Let's just hurry, Sehun will be here any minute to perfect our dance routine and then we're ready for the audition."

"Minnie they moved the date to one month earlier and I'm not really a dancer, I'm more of a vocal person." Jongdae sat up, his blonde hair was messed up and the paper he was holding was crumbled up "They also did it without any notice!"

Minseok put a hand on his shoulder "Go and drink some water."

Through all this Baekhyun was quietly sitting in one of the corners, thinking, because lately, the two had been a lot more touchy with each other and flirty?

And it was making his head hurt with all the thinking he had to do.

the music room door opened and in came Sehun followed by Jongin "Sorry we're late but I had to look around the whole school for mister lover boy."

"Shut up."

Sehun clapped his hands "Let's get started guys!"


"Jesus Christ let us take a break!" Baekhyun shouted, out of breath and wanting to pass out.

The two dancers, Jongin and Sehun, decided they wanted to push them an extra mile with speeding up the whole song to make them memorize it better.

It didn't go well.

The three singers where all out on the floor sweating like crazy.

"Well you guys have improved a lot and I can gladly say that you are ready for the talent show when are the auditions?" Jongin drank some water from his bottle then threw it to Baekhyun who happily took it and dunked all of the water on him.

"Can we go home now? The time is already five pm and I have stuff to do." Jongdae threw away the sweat filled paper towel into the nearest trashcan.

Minseok hummed "Yes, can we?"

"Fine." Sehun packed up his stuff.

Jongdae walked over to Minseok and together they walked out.

Baekhyun grabbed his bag "Well I have to run, my mom is probably wondering where the hell I am."

With that he walked out of the room, well more like ran like he was getting murdered.

"Goodbye!" He said to a teacher as he ran past out of the school grounds and past his Hapkido club.

"Shit..." he did a U-turn and ran back to the club, he had practice now and he was nearly late for it.


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