I love double updates

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Evan and Connor walked down the paved path by the river. The sound of bubbling water flooded both of their senses as they went. It calmed them, both of them felt at peace there together like that. Evan was playing with Connor's fingers as they held eachothers hands.

"You..." Evan started, watching the world around him. He was drinking up the sight of the falling leaves blowing through the wind. It was stunning. Connor giggled slightly at his boyfriend, watching him as he trailed off. Seeing Evan so calm made him feel warm and fuzzy inside. It made him appreciate life just a little bit more.

"I...?" Connor asked, directing his attention to the same sight as Evan. The leaves, their breath hanging in the chilled air and the trees bending and swaying with the breeze. It was nice, he could see why Evan was so distracted by him.

"Oh. I was just gonna say your sweet. For taking me out here" Evan replied brightly, swinging their arms gently. Connor blushed, his cheeks tinting pink as he processed the statement.

"Im really not sweet" he laughed, bringing his free hand up to scratch the back of his neck. Evan noted the small habbit, chalking it up to embarrassment. He found that more than adorable.

"But you are. You're just sweet and cute and thoughtful" he purred lightly, taking his steps to his tip toes so that their faces were closer. Connor rolled his eyes and smirked, pulling Evan closer to him.

"Nah hun. I'm dark and dangerous and I'm pissed off" he hissed, dragging his eye brows down. Slowly he got closer to Evan. Evan watched his actions with raised eyebrows. Slowly his confused expression morphed into one of amusement.

"How cute" he joked, leaning the littlest bit forward to connect their lips. Connor's false angered face fell as he melted into the kiss. His warm and fuzzy feeling spread from his heart and through his veins. He was in love with the boy he was with.

As they pulled away Connor blushed and turned his face slightly. Evan giggled at his 'bad ass' boyfriend and wrapped his arm around him. He really was cute.

An: ok so I am going through a break up right now. You are gonna get a lot of cute fluffy shit from me because it makes me feel better

Tree Bros One ShotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin