Naked Cuddles. Fun

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Evan woke up slowly, his eyes blinking open with out anxiety. He had no idea why he was so calm, until he heard light, peaceful breaths. Well, heard would be the wrong word for it. He felt the breaths in his hair and it tickled. A small smile settled on his face as he snuggled back into connor's hot touch. One quiet giggle escaped his lips as Connor pulled him closer subconsciously.

Evan was usually to nervous to admit it, but he loved the skin on skin attention even when they weren't being sexual. Cuddling after sex was something entirely different, but just as intimate in its own light. There was just was just something soothing about his head on Connor's bare chest, listening to his steady heart beat. But that was totally lame so he would not be telling Connor that anytime soon.

Evan slowly shifted into a slightly more comfortable position. He couldn't hear Connors heart, but that was ok. Connor was now spooning Evan, his chin on his shoulder and his arm slightly under his. Evan could feel Connors body heat as his chest pressed against his back. And a blush crawled onto Evans cheeks as he looked down at connor's arms holding him, muscles flexing. He had never wanted to be that kinda gay but here he was, fawning over his boyfriend having sexy, slightly toned arm muscles.

Some how he had become that gay though. He was bisexual, but apparently the more time he spent with Connor the less women appealed to him. It was kinda like he was slowly becoming Connor sexual. It was fucking cliche.

With a delighted hum he played with Connor's hand, admiring the fresh coat of edgy black paint. Not a single chip. He knew Connor hated non chipped nail polish, but he also hated picking it. Gently, he scraped over his nails, taking off the tiniest amount of black each time.  He wanted it to look naturally taken off. After a minute of it, Evan heard a small laugh in his ear.

"You know you really are the sweetest person I know" connor's voice was scratchy and tired as he rubbed his head gently against Evans shoulder. He knew exactly what his boyfriend was doing and it was the most adorable thing.

"You flatter me" he laughed, rolling his head back to look at Connor. Connor rolled his eyes, kissing Evans forhead softly. In a quick motion he rolled Evan over until they were facing each other. Looking into Evans eyes up close made him feel like he was normal. He wasnt, but still.

"You deserve to be flattered" he mumbled, his lips curving up gently. Evans cheeks darkened as he looked away from Connor.

"Stoooop" he whined, his heart feeling fluttery. Their bare chests were pressed together, that could have been part of it.

"Never" the older boy replied, peppering a few kisses all over Evans face. The smaller boy giggled, moving his hand to cup Connors cheek and lead him to his lips. Connor reacted right away, moving his lips carefully against Evans. As he pulled away he giggled slightly.

"Do you wanna get up and get food?" Connor asked, playing with Evans hand. Evan blushed and looked down at their hands. How was he supposed to say no, I just wanna cuddle in the nude all day. that was odd. After a minute he just shook his head no.

"I kinda w-wanna stay like this" he murmured, leaning down to hide his face in connor's chest.  It was connor's turn to blush as Evan spoke. He always thought Evan would get uncomfortable if they were naked together for too long. He was happy to stay though.

"That's sounds perfect" he commented, relaxing himself again and snuggling deeper into the covers and Evans arms.

He didn't mind staying naked all day. Not at all.
An: sorry it's kinda rushed

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