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 Evan tilted his head, watching Connor in amusement as he slowly drifted off while talking about something to do with politics. His eyes had heavy bags under them, the rise of his slim yet toned chest slowed, he was only in black boxers and his hair was pulled back into a messy bun for sleeping. It took until 2 in the morning, but Connor was finally asleep, cuddling himself against Evan and snoring quietly. A smile spread across Evans' face as he looked at his boyfriend. It wasn't often that Connor got any sleep, so to Evan, this small, easily forgettable moment was like a godsend right now. Evan had already known that he would be pulling an all-nighter, and even if Connor couldn't be awake to keep him company, just watching him peacefully sleep could keep Evan happy. That sounded way creepier than Evan had intended.

As quietly as he could, Evan leaned back against the bed so he could be a more comfortable pillow for his boyfriend. That's actually quite a common misconception with the few people who know about their relationship. They always assume that Connor is a heartless bastard and Evan was hopelessly in love and clueless. So basically, they thought they were Harley Quinn and The Joker. The truth is though Connor is way more open with affection and Evan is actually the reason they are only out to a few people. Though it is true that Connor is a bit colder at times and if you saw them together it would look like Evan loved Connor more than Connor loved him. People just don't get to see what Evan see's though.

Evan ended up watching Connor more than he had planned, just lost in thoughts of how adorable he was. Connor would kill him for those thoughts. Nah he'd probably just get pouty which is even fucking cuter.

It was about 4:30 in the morning when Connor began to stir in his sleep. He clung to Evans tank top, his whole body tensing and inwardly curled itself. Evan looked down at his boyfriend with worried eyes, watching his next actions carefully.

"N-no, i-it, I'm not, I don't" he began to ramble in his sleep, his once gently shut eyes now squeezed closed as he tried to hug Evan even closer to him. He was starting to shake lightly and Evan was internally panicking. He didn't know how to handle Connor having bad dreams! Dreams, sleep pictures, meaning you need sleep. As soon as his train of thought told him what to do he began shaking Connor. He wanted to yell wake the fuck up but he didn't want to wake up the Murphy's. Connor snapped up, now sitting up rigidly. His deep brown eyes were wide and glazed over with uncried tears as he looked at Evan in confusion.

"Babe, are you ok?" Evan asked in a quiet tone, laying a hand on his boyfriend's stiff shoulder. Connor flinched slightly at the touch, though he tried to relax into it.

"I'm fi-fine, I just. I don't know. It was just so real, I was falling and looking up. It lasted so long, but it didn't get scary until I wasn't falling anymore. Because instead of looking up, I was looking down and you were falling. But yours didn't take long, you died so fast and I just couldn't save you" he replied, still looking lost despite being awake. Evan frowned, hugging Connor against him even tighter. He didn't know how to respond to that, so he didn't.

"I'm sorry Evan. I didn't mean to drop that on you" Now that, Evan could respond too.

"Don't be stupid Connor. I love you and anything that has that effect on you is automatically my problem as well because I love you." Evan replied, his voice gentle and calming. Connor relaxed immediately, Evans voice lulling him into a sort of trance. Evan gently ran his fingers through his boyfriend's hair as they laid back down. They were cuddled closely, and at this point, Evan couldn't care less if Larry walked in on them like this. Evan didn't know how to feel about that nightmare of Connor's. He had never had a nightmare like that, but if she were in Connor's shoes he could only imagine that it would be horrifying. His thoughts began racing all over the place and scaring him, yet every time he looked down at the relaxed Connor he was brought back to reality. That's what Connor was, he was him rock who kept him grounded when he needed it. And yet he could also take away his reality and provide a distraction when he needed to forget things. That was why he loved Connor, he wasn't just something he like he was something he needed to feel whole. Evan used to be afraid of that kind of relationship. You know, the kind where being without them hurts and you aren't really dependent anymore. But this was a beautiful kind of codependency that Evan couldn't help but love, and he is kind of mad that he ever feared it.

Connor, on the other hand, had calmed his thoughts by now, just enjoying the feeling of being in Evans' arms (in the manliest of ways). As they cuddled up together, Connor stared up at the ceiling blankly. Evan thought it was cute, but he had no clue what Connor was thinking.

'If I do become a school shooter, Evan is definitely safe'

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