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Lena and I walked down the street.  We didn't talk at all, which was awkward.  But, I didn't blame her for not wanting to talk to me. I had hurt her, she deserved to me mad at me.

As we walked up to Alex's apartment, Lena let out a breath of air.  She knocked in the door, and there came Alex.  She smiled slightly and motioned for... Lena to come in.

As I was about to walk it, Alex took my shoulder and led me out into the hallway.  I wasn't up for another lecture or anything.

"Alex, I know that I messed up-"

"Kara, you know that you didn't have to ruin your life to save mine." I looked at her and had tears in my eyes.

"Well I couldn't just not protect you when I had the chance to." I looked at her and started to walk through the door.  She stopped me before I could.

"Kara, Sami doesn't want you... anymore." I started to cry, but held back my tears and walked through the door anyways.

As I walked inside, I cane across Lena kneeling down next to Sami, who was sitting on the couch... crying.  I didn't know how to react or what to do, so I just stood there.

"But mommy s-scared me.... I don't want t-to go back..." Lena pulled Sami in for a hug.  Sami cried on her shoulder.  I couldn't take it anymore.  I walked on and sat on the opposite side of the couch.



THE ADVENTURES OF SUPERGIRL Behind The Accident BOOK #2Where stories live. Discover now