The Fight

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Kara's POV

"You totally did that on purpose!" I screamed at Lena.  I was beyond furious.

"Kara, you-"

"Just stop Lena!  The only thing you're good at, is hurting people.  You're a Luthor.  If this is how you're going to act around our daughter then I don't want you around her at all!"


"No!" I tried to calm down just a little bit, and try to catch my breath.  I had to explain how I felt.

"I had you in my heart Lena," I started, she knew where this was going.

"Kara don't-"

"Just listen.  I had you in a very special part of my heart.  You know, before Cadmus took me, I had something very special to ask..." Then I took out an engagement ring and opened the box.

"I wanted to propose to you, Lena.  But, knowing that you would ever do something like this just makes me sick to my stomach." Right then I crushed the box with my superstrength.  She covered her mouth and let out a couple tears.

"Kara, I had no idea..."

"If I had done it earlier would that have changed your mind?"  I was angry.  How could she betray me like that.  She started to cry because she realized how she made a mistake.

"K-Kara... please don't leave me." Lena tried to grab my arm, but I pulled away.

"Don't touch me Lena." Lena stood there, silent.  She had tears in her eyes and tried to grab me one more time.  This time, I wasn't having it.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" I screamed at her.  Lena ran out the door.  Then I heard a soft cry coming from the doorway to my bedroom.  I turned to see that it was Sami.  I felt so horrible, she heard the whole thing... she saw the whole thing.  I started to walk closer.  As I did, she started to cry even more and held her blanket close to her.

"Sami, I'm sorry-" I tried to walk up to her but she cried a lot.

"No!  I don't wanna..." Her entire face was red.


"I don't... want you... to yell at mom!" That made my heart sink!

"Honey, I'm not going to yell at you."  She didn't even want to talk to me anymore, so she just ran to the room and cried into her pillow.

THE ADVENTURES OF SUPERGIRL Behind The Accident BOOK #2Where stories live. Discover now