There is one man that my father stops at, their hands clasped together, but neither of them shaking. My father is staring at the man, his eyebrows furrowed. The man is very tall, around 6'5". He has short dark brown hair, which is neatly styled on top of his head, but with no gel or products, it's natural. I can't see him very well from in the back of the line, no matter how much I lean to the side and try to see around my brothers' bodies. 

   The man is tense, unwavering as Vulen stares deep into his eyes, looking confused and concentrated. I don't know what's going on. My father looks down at their clasped hands and stares at them. The man is watching him thoughtfully, maybe even anxiously. I take note of the swallowing and fidgeting movements. My brothers and the rest of the soldiers are just as confused as me, thin whispers traveling around. 

   Eventually, Vulen releases the man's hand and shakes his head slightly, moving on to the next man. My brothers each shake the man's hand and murmur their hellos, but nothing out of the ordinary happens. When I get to the man, I strain my neck up to look at his face.

   He has pine green eyes, the hue the color of the evergreen trees in Graeweth. He smells like the woods as well, like snow and bark. It's a mesmerizing smell. The man's jawline is sharp and his face cleanly shaven, no stubble. His eyes dance as he looks down at me. His chest is wide set and his skin golden tan, even though we hardly get any sun in Graeweth. He has broad shoulders and strong hands, his fingers long and narrow. Every inch of his body seems to be corded with muscle; he'd make an extraordinary soldier, that's for sure.

   He stretches his hand out and I take it in my own smaller hand. His hand covers my entire hand; I can't even see my own! His skin is rough and warm, and a comforting shoots through my body. I feel the sudden urge to lean into his body and feel his arms wrap around me. What has gotten into you Aurae? I think, shoving the thoughts out of my mind.

   I look up into the stranger's eyes, which are warm and kind, but also curious. He gives me a smile, his teeth prefect and glistening white. I have to admit, he is absolutely stunning. Every part of him just adds to his attractiveness. But he doesn't seem like a womanizer or anything.

   "Hello," I say so softly, I'm not even sure he heard me. "Thank you for your service and dedication and blah blah blah. I appreciate it, but I can protect myself, so you're really only here for my cowardly brothers." I'm surprised that my voice suddenly became firm in seconds. The man's eyes widen and he's silent for a moment before his head tips back and a rumbling laugh escapes from his mouth. Many soldiers snap their heads to stare and even my brothers do, all of them giving us a glare.

   "I'm glad you can protect yourself, but my job is to ensure the safety of the royal family, so I'll be sticking around anyways," the man isn't flirty, but honest and straight to the point. I give him a shrug and a small smile.

   "Okay," is all I say before releasing his hand and moving on to the next soldier. But I can feel the man's pine green eyes burning into my back as I continue down the line. Once my father and brothers and I all finished greeting the men, we stand back in front of them as we were earlier. I know that he's about to dismiss the soldiers, who are then going to be transported to the barracks.

   "Thank you very much for everything you're doing. My sons, daughter and I appreciate it more than you know," Vulen speaks, his hands folded together in front of him. His words are so fake, tempting me to roll my eyes, but I'm in enough trouble as it is. "Guards, please escort that young man," my father points to the stranger with the pine green eyes and warm smile, "to the dungeon." I gasp loudly. My brothers swivel on their heels to face my father, who is already walking out of the courtyard. Exchanging confused glances, they follow after him. I stand there as guards pounce on the man, who isn't struggling or trying to run away. I'm taken aback to find him watching me, his eyes glued on mine. My hands clenched into fists at my side and I'm about to storm over there to ask what's going on, but the startled soldiers begin to exit the courtyard through the same gate they came through, and when they clear out, the man and guards are gone, nowhere to be seen. 

Rebellionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें