Chapter 10: Long Day

Start from the beginning

"How wonderful, on Christmas Eve." Madam Malkin says.

"Yes, Elena and Draco will be announcing their engagement, so don't go telling anyone" Narcissa says.

She sounds playful but there is a slight seriousness behind her tone, almost like a subtle warning. Narcissa is very good at acting one way but meaning another.

Madam Malkin hands us our bags and we head to the fireplace.

"You first dear", Narcissa says.

I don't argue and step into the fireplace. I take some Floo powder and move my bag over so I don't get any on it.

"Malfoy Manor," I say throwing the powder.

The flames surround me quickly and I leave the shop. I quickly touch down in the front hall of the manor and step out.

"Elena", I hear the deep, terrifying voice of Lucius say.

I force a hello as I turn to meet his gaze.

"And where might you be coming from?" He asks.

Before I can answer Narcissa arrives in flames behind me and steps out of the fireplace.

"Hello my dear," Lucius says.

"No peeking now Lucius," Narcissa says taking my dress from my hand.

"Of course not," Lucius says.

Narcissa walks into the other room and Lucius turns to walk up the stairs.

"Elena", Draco says running don the stairs.

He passes Lucuis on the way down and slows down as Lucius gives him a look of disapproval.

"How was your talk with Dumbledore?", I ask.

"Well, not great, actually", he says.

"What did he say?" I ask

"He said the school will open again after the holiday but because of what happened, the ministry says I can't come back", He says.

"You can't come back? But you didn't do anything" I say confused.

"I told my father and he's going to talk to the minister tonight," he says

"But what if he can't change his mind?" I ask.

"I'll stay here and you'll finish your year. You'll be done in June and then we'll have the summer together." He says.

"But June is six months away." I protest.

"I'll still see you and besides it'll give you some time to plan the wedding." He says.

"So is it just this year or can you not come back next year either?" I ask.

"I think it's permanent," he says.

"So I don't get you for the next six months and then all of next year," I say realizing how shitty this will be.

"We'll see how tonight goes," He says.

I take a deep breath and think about how miserable I would be without Draco for that long. Draco realizes I'm upset and wraps his arms around me.

"I know it sounds like a long time, but I'll see you throughout the year and you can come here whenever you want. You'll be in the seventh year so you can leave the grounds, not that you don't already do that" He says.

I let out a small laugh noticing he just called me out for breaking school rules.

"Don't worry about it, if all goes well, my father will negotiate something and I'll be able to come for at least the rest of the year," he says brushing my hair back over my shoulder.

"Okay," I say.

"Let's not think about it, I want to talk to you about the party and our big announcement," he says taking my hand and looking at the ring.

I smile and admire the beauty of the diamonds and they shine in the light.

"Will it be the same as last year, I mean with the whole walking down the stairs entrance?" I ask.

"Excellent question my dear," Narcissa says as she comes around the corner, "We should start planning, come with me," She says taking out her wand.

Draco and I follow her to the dining room where she pulls out a chair at the head of the table. Draco and I sit down on either side of her and she flicks her wand, levitating a quill and notebook.

"So, the ball is always the most exquisite part of our year. All the great witches and wizards will be here as well as the minister." Narcissa says.

"Will it be the same entrance as last year?" I ask.

"No, it will be slightly different. Lucius and I will go first and you two will enter second and that's where we will announce your engagement." She explains.

"That's a lot of eyes on us," I say looking at Draco.

"You'll be fine," he says holding my hand.

"Oh, and Elena, you'll be wearing a different ring. " Narcissa says.

"A different ring?" I say confused.

"Yes, I do love the one we have for you now, but you will be wearing a larger one for the ball. It will be large and extravagant. It's really just to show we are still a powerful and wealthy family." She says placing her hand on Draco's forearm.

"Okay, I can do that," I say.

"Once the announcement is made there will be reporters for the Daily Prophet who will want to talk to you and you should think about what you want to say." She advises.

"Are there any topics we should avoid?" I ask.

"You will be able to sense when they are trying to get incriminating details from you," She says, "As you know we are currently dealing with Draco attending Hogwarts after the holiday and they may find out about that. I wouldn't discuss that issue, it could make Draco look bad." She says. \

"Of course," I say.

"Focus on the positive, keep the subject on the engagement." She says.

"We'll be fine, and if you're not sure about your answer just look at me and I'll think of something," Draco says.

"It will be great," Narcissa says, "now get some rest, we have three days until the party."

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