Chapter 7: Not Alone

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Monica and Judy barely slept that night. Hearing their names was quite a shock and such exciting news. Yet they hadn't forgotten about their dream. The warnings. And it was the third day.

The first one to get up was Judy. She stretched her arms while she was sitting up on her bed. Then she stood up and stretched some more. Monica was still sleeping under the blanket, covered from head to toe.

Judy took out two towels from the drawer and headed to the bathroom. After a long warm shower, she wrapped one towel around her body and another around her damp hair, then made her way back to her room. Her dress properly ready on the dressing table. She sat down in front of the mirror desk and began unwrapping the towel around her head. As soon as she looked at her reflection in the mirror, she gasped...

Her half bangs were no longer raven black but blue as the ocean. No doubt it was one of Angelina's jokes. She must have dyed Judy's hair with blue paint from the art room while she was sleeping. 'I swear she did that on purpose to humiliate me.' Frustrated, she hastily went back to the bathroom. Scrubbing, rubbing and adding more shampoo to no avail. The strands of blue hair were still there. When she heard the voices outside the bathroom getting louder, she grabbed another towel and wrapped it around her head.

"Morning Judy." Said a girl as she passed by her.

Judy walked calmly with a smile, pretending nothing was wrong, until she reached her room.

She stood in front of the mirror, pulled down the towel and took out a pair of scissors from the drawer of the desk. Carefully, she cut off a strand of the blue hair and placed it on the desk. When her eyes met themselves in her reflection she reluctantly dropped the scissors. Her hair grew back right before her eyes! Blue, not raven black. It looked as if she hadn't cut anything. Without looking away, her hand moved to the desk to grab the strand but something cold touched the tip of her fingers. There was no strand of hair, but merely a puddle of water.

She winced from the twinge in her blind eye. Rubbing her eye lid gently then blinking strongly and repeatedly. Judy covered her right eye and focused on her left one. To her surprise, everything was suddenly blurry. Just yesterday it was completely dark. Second by second, the blur cleared away. She could see everything! Her hands, her body, her reflection... everything was clear. 'How's that possible?' Her heart was pounding like a drum against her palm. However there wasn't the usual chest pain from her stab wound. She slightly unwrapped the top of the towel. The stab wound was gone, leaving no scar.

Something definitely was wrong.

"Monica, Monica, wake up, wake up!" yelled Judy, shaking her forcefully.

Monica moaned, drew the blanket tightly over and rolled to the other side.

"Monica get up!" Judy yanked the blanket back.

Monica moaned again, curled her legs to her chest. "Judy... what is it?" she blinked sleepily, rubbing one eye.

Opening her eyes wider, Monica saw Judy covering her mouth with both hands and staring at her with her large frightened eyes.

"What happened to your hair?" Chuckled Monica, staring at Judy's blue hair.

But Judy didn't answer her, she just stood there, staring at Monica. Then she raised her hand and pointed a finger at her.

"What's wrong? What is it?" Said Monica, getting nervous.

"You... your..." Judy gulped. "Hair."

Monica frowned. She grabbed a strand of her hair and saw it. She jumped off bed and stood in front of the mirror. Half her bangs had changed color too. It was red as the color of a rose.

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