Chapter 32: Elementa Arma

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The thought of getting their Elementa Arma through a painful ritual didn't leave the thoughts of the children. Barely touched their breakfast, feeling anxious every second of every minute. Sirus and Queens insisted the children eat before heading to meet their Goddess, it was going to be a  long trip so they needed every strength. The children had no other choice to comply. Once they finished their meals, the Wind Queen summoned a couple of eagles and together they flew towards their destination. 

The Heart of FIRAINTH. Where the goddess herself dwelled. 

They landed the next morning after their depart. There was nothing there but an empty field of grass. The creatures took off after they wished the children good luck. All seven of them walked for a few feet, then they stopped. The children looked to the left then to the right, no sign of a castle, or anything.

"Sirus?" Whispered Judy tapping his arm. "What are we waiting for?"

"Look." Said Sirus pointing straight ahead.

But there was nothing there to see. But then something glimmered near them. Peter thought he imagined it. Until something flashed, nearly blinded him and his friends. 

A giant white wall faded in with amazing silver doors shining with their reflection. Monica, Judy, Peter and Nicholas backed away about four or five steps as they watched the wall before them growing and stretching on the sides. The doors suddenly opened by themselves, making a strong roar that echoed through the long white corridor.

"Come in, children." An angelic pure voice came from beyond that hall as if the voice was from heaven.

Could that be Eve?

Ama made the first step inside, followed by her companions Sirus and Alexandra.  Sirus stopped when he noticed the children we not by his side. 

"Come. It'll be over soon, I promise." Sirus smiled reassuringly beckoning with his hand.  

The first two to walk were Nicholas and Monica, after she inhaled and exhaled deeply. Then Peter followed. They all walked inside, except for Judy, who stood very still and alone outside. Alexandra came and placed her hand around Judy's shoulder. 

"Come, my dear. We mustn't let our goddess wait." Said Alexandra. The trembling young girl nodded and let Alexandra usher her inside. 

The walls and the floor were white and long and wide stained glasses above them, cascading colorful lights from above. Every twenty stained glasses had an image of a creature. An eagle flying into the sky, a centaur with a spear in the forest, a mermaid swimming under the sea with fishes, a phoenix that had burst out from the flames...  The children's eyes were on them as they walked further inside, gazing in awe at their beauty. Even the creatures from Mount Vatra were brilliant. 

They stopped at the entrance of a large wide circular room. It was like a giant's home, only this room could fit more than twenty giants, and more than two million people and two million creatures at once. The floors were tint electric blue. The walls were all clearly white, the ceiling, which was a large and imposing dome, had one stained glass with five images. A fire symbol on the south side, a huge tree on the north side, a blue wave on the west and four yellow spirals on the east, and on the centre of the stained glass, the sun itself.

"Come up to the centre."

Eve's voice once again echoed in the cathedral. But where was she?

The children gazed all around them as they walked to the centre of the room. What really caught their eyes was the stained glass above them. But when they climbed those six long steps,  they were standing in front of four altars, lined up together forming a cross with an empty circular in the centre. Judy covered her mouth, stopping herself from gasping. Each of the four altars had a large number of bloodstains. One had dark red blood, one dark blue, one dark green and the last one dirty yellow. And each altar had chains with handcuffs in the end, also stained with blood.

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