Chapter (4)

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Taking my seat in third period i was all the way by the window on the left hand side far away from Liv because my teacher found us to be a little too "chatty". I thought that comment was funny because even tho me and Liv talked a little our work was still done on time, we were always on point and our grades in this class look real healthy.

"Ok so class today is a great day for you guys because you guys will be receiving a project that is worth 40% of your grade." Rolling my eyes, i took out my binder from my bag and slammed in on the desk. The school semester basically just freaking started and here this lady come with a freaking project.

"Of course we have a freaking project. Cause why not." Giggling a little some boy that was sitting next to me was expressing his anger under his breath while sketching out a pic of Demi Lavto as Harley Quinn.

"This project won't be due for about two months or so, so I suggest you use your time very wisely because this is your junior year ladies and gents and i would hate to see a couple of your faces in summer school over something so stupid as failure to even try and do your project." Turning her back she began to pull up something on her smart board, a lot of work came from this English class but I can't expect anything less since this is my junior year.

"Now for this project you will be receiving two books that are very lengthy and take a great deal of time to comprehend so I suggest annotations, or notes to help understand most of the wording." Playing with my arm hairs i was hardly listening to this lady, I'm sure she was going to give out a sheet that had everything explained out like she did almost everyday.

"Ok, i want you guys to write down the two book names into your notes and, then there will be a sheet passed around on what are your three options your groups of two, or three have to choose from." Writing down the book titles I tuned out the rest of the lesson and tuned into the boy next to me drawing.

"Hey, thats dope as fuck. You draw anything else?" Looking up at me he shook his head yes, leaning over to take out another book for me to look through as he sat there and continued to draw what seemed to be finished to me.

"This is dead ass good. I hope your future is in this cause you have a great talent." Handing him, his book back I also gave him the paper that was being passed around for each group to choose.

"Remember class choose you team members wisely, because you will be stuck with them up until this project is done." Circling the option that I thought was good for me and Liv I began to draw little flowers and squiggles on the paper as well.


"We have about five minutes left in this period so I suggest you guys get up and go search for your teammates now or forever hold your peace.....oh and for anyone that is going to ask to work alone, don't. Cause my answer will be two to three members per group, so unless you somehow duplicate yourself I don't see how that would work." Starring at her, no one laughed at her corny ass joke. I was about to get up from my desk and make my way over to Liv.

"Yeah also don't see how that corny ass joke was working for you either." Speaking under my breath i thought I was the only person that heard me, guess I can't whisper that great.

"Get out of my head, i was going to say that." Chuckling at the boy next to me, I decided to chat it up with him for a quick minute before making my way over to Liv who was slumped on her desk.

"You know I've never seen you around school before." Sitting on top my desk I swung my legs studying the features on this boy. Light skin with messy dreads, he had a light but sortah thick mustache which matched his bushy eyebrows.

"Probably because I'm the weirdo that no one wants to hang out with because of my style. Oh also the fact that I'm not built like a complete muscle head and don't slam dunk my nuts in another mans mouth just to get about five scholarships that may or may not get me into a top Ivy League school that's main focuses on the sports division and nothing else." Going back to his drawing he began to play with the necklace he had on rubbing his finger against the ink making it smudge on the paper.

"What is your name?"

"Zander. Zander Maddox." Holding out my hand I shook his placing my butt back in my seat.

"Well Zander Maddox, I am Moenice Clarke a girl who is far from traditional, loves your style, and the only muscle headed person I hang out with is that girl over there half way drownings in her own drool." Pointing to Liv I chuckled a little as I watched the drool puddle on her desk get slightly bigger.

"Nice to meet you Moenice. Do you have a partner?" Usually in things like this is was only me and Liv but what could it hurt is we added one more person to this class group.

"Yeah, but we could use someone like you to this duet." Shaking his head the bell rung and I began to pack up my things.


Taking a seat me and Liv we're waiting for our orders to be called out. We had just gotten out of school and neither of us ate that disgusting food they served for lunch today so we stopped on our way home.

"And his name is what?" Giving me a stank look she played with her recipe that also read her number in bold number as the top.

"Zander bitch, I know you heard me the first few times I said it." Rolling my eyes I can see how this is going to be a problem but Zander and Olivia were just the same, both talented in their own way, both have their own unique style, and both keep their hair messy no matter Livs hairstyle.

"He better not be no freaking air head ight, this is the first project of the year and from the looks of thing we need a lot of creativity." About to defend my new friend that wasn't here my order was called and I didn't wanna walk and talk.

"Thanks." Giving me a small smile, the guy behind the counter called out Liv's number and we both took a seat back at our two seater table to finish our lunch.

"Since we need creativity what did you have in mind?" Shoving a fry in her mouth dramatically, she then smacked her food around in her mouth before finally answering my damn question.

"I say... we.... do..-" taking sips of her drink in between every word I was getting ready to snatch her across the table. Liv really did know how to push a bitch buttons and right now she was tap dancing on that one nerve.

"Imma, stop you right there. It's either cut that shit out or I just work with Zander and you can find yourself a new partner." Giving me the death stare she looked like she was going to put them tiny fist to use.

"What ever Moenice." I knew damn well I would never do her like that but she didn't need to know that, all she needed to know is that I'm not in the mood to be fucked with today.

"Continue without all the extraness."

"I was going to say we can combine all three options. Since you said Zander can draw "really" good, and I can sing, plus you are a great poet writer if it goes how I think we would totally get above 90 point on this damn project." Eating I thought over her idea, it wasn't bad but she knew I mostly wrote about love, both these books was about where love can get you.

"That's a fine idea, we'll talk it over Sunday at my house, you and Zander there try to come up with a game plan." Finishing off our food we sat and talked for about thirty mins before we got up and tossed our food away, leaving to walk home together.

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