Chapter (12)

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Moving my braids out my face I was listening, while taking notes to Mrs. Mars talk on about a problem form this precalculus worksheet. I was pretty advanced in math which meant this was a class I had to take alone while Liv and everyone else my age was still on Trigonometry.

Taking another worksheet from the front desk Mrs. Mars stopped talking and was letting us fend for our own with this worksheet. My grades were perfect in this class considering all the hard work she has given already, Sometimes this one class made me feel like I was swamp in work and could never escape but that's Mrs. Mars for you, always here to make you feel like your fingers are breaking off, not only to mention she makes us do some of the work In our head.

"Class we are going to go over 3-7 before the period ends so make sure you have 3-7 completed." Finishing up question 6 I decided to leave 7 blank as I spaced out a little  thinking later.

AJ's funeral was today, I knew a lot of people would be there and It was sad to say I didn't really want to be around all that.

AJ and I were never the closest but my family messed with his heavy so we did have a few encounters. He was one age above me and was still in the 12th grade when he died, his name was known in these streets and It was through him I meet Ceaser. AJ was a cool dude from what I've heard and anyone would be ready later today to try and speak on that as if they really knew him.

"Mrs. Clarke, did you hear me?" Snapping my head up I shook my head no and she sighed heavy before walking back up to her desk taking a seat on It.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I know it's early in the morning but I expect the best. Let's do better for tomorrow ok?" With the bell ringing I gathered my things and texted Liv where to meet me so we could skip class together, my mind was somewhere else for the day and I wasn't up for much work at all.

Me to Liv Bear🐻: Meet in front the fourth floor bathroom, not in the mood for class right now.

Clicking my phone off I made my way up there bumping into Zander on my way out the stair case. I gave him a stink face until I looked up and realized It was him.

"You was about to catch these hands for how hard you flew into me just now." Balling up his fist Zander looked like a nerd making me laugh as I picked up my headphones and pens that dropped.

"Oh please, I would have put you to sleep, ight." Rolling his eyes we started talking and walking, he wasn't feeling class either and Liv still had yet to text me back on where she was at.

"So, I have a situation in mind and I need a girls opinion and since I can't really find one you will do." Smacking him arm I rolled my eyes and his smart remark, Zander wasn't really bad to be around he held good conversation and never made shit awkward at all.

"I'm just messing with you, but I do seriously need to talk to someone about this cause this shit is deadass deep, even for me." Stopping to lean on the wall all that walking was hurting my feet and I wanted to rest.

"Ok, go a head."

"Ight so I know this person, let's call them Jean right, and Jean got pregnant by this thug I'll call him bob."

"Ok lovely cover up names." Sticking my thumb up he shrugged his shoulders and I told him to continue.

"Anyway, they both planned to raise the baby together even tho they a little young, but now something has happened so that bob can't be in neither the baby or Jeans life anymore, and I wanted to know should Jean tell Bobs family or keep It to herself and move on with her life?" Starring at him this shit was confusing as hell, what kind of 'man' walks away from his unborn kid and baby moms. Even in jail I have seen most thugs provide for theirs so the situation can't be a situation at all.

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