Chapter (2)

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The weather this summer was enough to make your balls and tits sweat. School started later on in the day for me so i was usually the only one left in the house, meaning my outfits weren't judged and i took as long as I wanted in the shower.

close to 9 in the morning, this was around this time my best friend Olivia usually popped up from the fifth floor to use my shower and talk my ear off.

Her living situation wasn't the same as mine, her dad is from gyanna, and her mom is from Ghana, she has two younger brothers with no sisters and she's adopted. She never let me or anyone feel bad for her situation with her real parents and I kind of respect her for staying so strong even when times for her got weak as-

"Wakey wakey, cupcake. You heard about Mrs. Grettah?" Plopping down on my bed she got under my covers facing me with some highly irritable breath.

"Yes, and i also heard your tooth brush calling your name. I think you know what to do." Hitting me on my arm Olivia got closer to me completely becoming the big spoon to my little spoon.

"Umm Liv. Would you like to get your fragile body off of my before i roll over and crush you." Olivia was much more petite than i was and it wouldn't have taken me long to get her off of me.

"You wouldn't dare."

"1" rolling over she jumped out my bed throwing a half filled water bottle at me. Hearing her run all the way to my bathroom i was going to wait till she came out to try and strike.

Meeting Olivia when i was 7 we were both standing in line for free lunch, trying to get our hands on the little orange cup they were giving out.

Skipping me in line she thought she was being smart, but she met the right one that day. Snitching on her after making a big scene got us both time out from play time. We became friends once our teacher made us apologize, she wasn't the easiest person to get along with but after that day, our friendship grew and we have yet to separate.

"Hey Olivia, you remember the first time we met." Taking a seat on the toilet, i sat back opening my phone as Olivia showered.

"Yeah, little snitch." Rolling my eyes I chuckled a little grabbing my bottle of adhd medicine. Liv and my parents are the only ones that know about my condition. It wasn't really a BIG secret, however it was just something I don't go around telling everybody.

"Shit." Dropping one, it broke into two near my foot. It was important for me not to waist these things, because only god knows what would happen if I even tried to go a day without it.

"Hey, you need a fill up." So focused into my thought I didn't realize that Olivia was done in the shower.

"Yeah i know, I'll tell my mom later." Getting up off the toilet lid i threw the medication that broke into the garbage before turning around and slapping Olivia's wet skin.

"What the hell!"

"Pay backs a bitch!" Running out the bathroom i ran into my room and shut the door, all of her clothes were in here so i knew she was going to be banging on the door for a while.

"Open the door!" Banging hard of the door, Liv tried to twist the doorknob to see if I hadn't locked it.

"It's locked, don't even bother hun." Jumping back into bed, i picked up my phone seeing the same four missed calls from the same people.

"Moe...Nice, open up the freaking door! It's freezing out here." My dad kept the A/C on by "accident" to try and cool down the house from the heat.

"Aww now you can dry off without needing a towel. You should thank me!" Unlocking the door quietly i went to have a seat on my bed again, it was definitely going to take her a minute before she realizes so catching a little nap is exactly what i did.

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