Chapter (10)

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Standing in front my closet I looked for something to wear that was appropriate for tonight.

I had three outfit choices that I thought would like cute but I got this feeling like nothing was working.

"Mom!" Yelling for my mother she came in my room five minutes later taking a seat in my computer chair sipping on some of my dads tea he loved so much.

"Ok one, dad is going to kill you when he finds out you used one of his tea packets, and two which outfit?" Me and my mother weren't all that close where I could tell her about "girl talk" but when Liv wasn't around to help with this she was someone I turned to.

"One don't nobody here care what yah father think.... and two where is Liv for this, I'm watching tv." My dad was called into work tonight so he wasn't home at the current moment, and my sister was at her friends house having a sleepover on a school night.

"She's on a date, like I soon go on but I need help with an outfit." Smoothing my hands over the three choices she studied them for a bit. My first option was a white shirt with blue and white bell bottom pants, my second option was a black tank top with grey jeans, and my third option was a see through black long sleeve top and dark blue jeans.

"Option three, it's cute and It shows just enough." Sipping on her tea more she pushed the rest of the clothing to the side so I would leave everything else behind.

"Thanks mom." Kissing her cheek she left and I grabbed my towel and other essentials heading to the shower to get the dirt from being at school off of me.


Arriving at the movies me and Theo stood at the both as I took out money for my ticket.

"Here you go." Giving the women a 50 I slapped his arm because me being me I hated It when I feel like someone is obligated to pay for me, or when I have to beg.

"Why did you do that?" Standing in the popcorn line we were close to the back of the line and we had to wait for his friends to show up.

"Because I asked you to come, once you with me you dont got to pay for nothing ight." Rolling my eyes I turned my body to him ready to protest.

"Yeah I don't think so." Saying nothing more I was going to prove that I didn't need him paying for anything, I was a half/half person so he wasn't about to be doing that all the time.

Feeling his phone vibrate on my side as I was leaned up against him, he reached into his pocket and looked at the screen before answering.

"Yo Cease, wassup where y'all at?" Tensing up at his name I stood with my arms folded, I knew that him and Theo were friends ever since he walked out of Mrs. Grettah's apartment but I never really brought It up to Theo and I wasn't ready to tell him oh yeah I'm your bros ex.

"Hey, I dont know if you heard me but the crew should be here shortly." Nodding my head saying nothing more we got to the front of the line and waited for someone to assist us.


"Hi can I get one large popcorn, two medium sprites, a pack of sour patch, butterfingers, and cookie dough." Looking at me Theo was just Waiting to see if I would stop soon.

"Is that all?" Nodding my head I looked at the price and It was about 30 bucks. Reaching for his wallet I gave the lady the money already handing him things to carry while I went to go put butter on the popcorn.

"You know that's never happening again right?" Rolling my eyes I clicked the button that made the butter come out smoothly.

"Once you with me you'll learn that I pull my weight and don't just sit back watching people do stuff for me." Swirling the bowl around I wanted the butter to reach the bottom as well. Eating some as we walked his arm over my shoulder to theater 7 we took a seat close to the front, It was a horror movie and I was the biggest scaredy cat with these things so I hope Theo had enough room in that loose fitting bomber jacket he had on.

"You ok?" Looking at me I sat back trying to relax myself for what my heart was going to go through later. Me and scary movie really didn't get along and if I would have known the genre I would have made up a lie for why I couldn't go.

"Yeah I'm good, just know I'm going to jump all up on you during the movie." Laughing he placed his arm around my shoulder leaning me into him back on the seats.

"Yo Theo!" Ceaser came walking in with the same three guys who I "met" last night. I spotted the one Dom holding snacks for two in his hand. He didn't seem to watch what came out his mouth at any point from as far as I knew.

"Yo Cease, Yo Dom, this is Ryan.. Ryan you know Dom and this is my mans Ceaser." Rolling my eyes I never looked away from the big screen filled with other movies coming soon.

"I know who he is." Still not looking their way I tried my hardest not to catch one hell of an attitude but shit just kept happening.

"How you know him."

"We used to date bro." Looking at me I felt his eyes burn in the side of my face, I knew sooner or later I would have to explain but I didn't think this soon.

"Damn bro if I would have known hands all the way off." Looking at him they started discussing me as if I was a fucking toy.

"Nah no sweat bro you can have that, got something better." Feeling highly offended by the way they were talking to me, I wanted to pack shit up and leave, and just as I was about to make my way past the boys here walked I his better.

"Here babe they were out of the candy you wanted so I got you this-"

"But I know you have got to be fucking joking me." Semi screaming I was starring in the face India, a girl that went to my school that I was super cool with in the summer. Just like Ceaser one minute we were close and the next she was no longer in my life. Sitting here now I was now noticing small little things she used to do when ever I brought Ceaser around.

"I see you went from laughing super hard at his jokes to bouncing on his dick every night." One thing I knew about India was that she was a fast girl, her mother was a single parent working two jobs and she was an only child so her house was free a lot of the time leaving plenty of opportunities for her to sneak me in and out.

"Something like that, I see you loving the crew and usual." Getting up I was about to smack the breaks off this bitch until Theo got in the middle of us.

"Yo C, control yah chick." Taking them to a row behind us Ceaser and India say directly behind me and Theo, Upset was an understatement for tonight and I rather be home facing my tv half way asleep right now.

"Babe would you believe have long the line for the bathroom was." Olivia came smoothing her hand onto her jeans, spotting me she gave. Me we both raised our eyebrows at each other and then smiled really bright.

"I'll tell you later." Mouthing to each other her and Dom then went to go find somewhere else to sit away from us so they wouldn't bother us.

"Ryan this is CJ, and Pete. I know you met them last night but proper introductions." Taking a seat one row down from us CJ and Pete had each other for company and I found It really funny.

With the lights getting dim the movies was about to start and I let earlier comments slide, but if they are even thought of being said I would smack both of them without hesitation.

Think you could hide from me could yah?" Leaning into him again I got comfortable starting to eat some of the snacks.

Better Chapter coming soon.... wait on It.

Rixy. B 🍭

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