Part 3 Chapter 11

Start from the beginning

"Stay out of trouble!" he called after her. He sighed and leaned back in his chair, closing his book and shaking his head.

Aries took a seat at the table next to Draco. "What was that about?"

"I think Narcissa Jo is dating Theo's son," Draco replied with thinly veiled disgust.

"Oh, Thomas? What's wrong with him?"

"He's Theo's son."


Draco shook his head. "You don't understand. Theo was a terrible player when we were coming up. He used to go through girls like most people go through water."

"What does that have to do with Thomas?" Aries asked.

"Everything!" Draco stood up and started pacing the tent much to Aries' amusement.

"Not quite following you dad."

Draco groaned. "His son! With my little girl! I'm not ready for my little girls to have--relationships!"

"I don't recall you saying this when Scorpius told you he was dating Rose. Or when I first brought Melissa home."

"That's different."

"How so?" Aries asked.

"You two are boys!" Draco exclaimed.

"That's pretty sexist Mr. Malfoy," Melissa said as she walked into the tent with Victoire, Teddy and their little boy. "I wonder what Mrs. Malfoy would say if she heard you speaking like that."

Draco sighed. "You're right. I'm sorry. I guess I'm just not ready for my little girls to grow up. Thank heavens Athena's not interested in dating."

"What makes you say she's not interested in dating?" Melissa asked.

"She's always with Albus. They're inseparable. Just like brother and sister. If she were dating anyone, she'd be spending her time with them, not him."

"Riiiiiight," Melissa replied. "Albus and Athena are just like brother and sister."


"Are you sure this isn't too much Thomas?"

"I told you I'd buy you whatever you wanted Cissa Jo."

She smiled up at him. "You're too sweet. Thank you."

Thomas cleared his throat. "Should we head back? Your father wanted you to return by 10pm right?"

"Uh yes, he did."

They started to walk back toward the tent where the Malfoys and Potters were staying. Several children ran past them, shrieking in excitement. One of them bumped into Narcissa Jo and she stumbled. Thomas reached out and caught her around the waist to keep her from falling.

She looked up into his eyes and burst out laughing. He frowned as he set her upright. "What's so funny?"

"We're a walking cliche right now," she said through her laughter. "You buying me gifts, walking me home to my father, catching me before I fall--" she trailed off. "It's just a bit comical to me."

Thomas chuckled. "I see what you're saying. Although, I don't necessarily think its a bad thing--"

"Oh my gosh! Do you see that?!" Narcissa Jo grabbed Thomas by the arm and dragged him behind a nearby tent.

"See what?"

"Shhh! Over there!" she whispered. "That's Athena!"

"Making out with that guy over there behind that kiosk?"

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