Chapter 26: All Things Unpleasant

Start from the beginning

"Hey guys! How'd you sleep?" Karin greeted.

"Hey Karin" I returned her gesture.

"I like that scarf, looks good on you" Karin complimented as she came to stand by my side.

This only made me feel more self-conscious, "T-thanks".

Sasuke smirked at my stutter, "It was the best night's sleep I've ever had...particularly warm too" he teased.

I gritted my teeth, "Brought your stuffed animal on the trip, have you? Must've been nice and warm sleeping with all those teddy bears keeping you company" I retorted, trying to gain back some of my old confidence.

Sasuke laughed, "Oh, you bet. They're nice and plushy too" he said winking.

"Creep" I muttered, giving up.

Sasuke laughed openly, earning confused glances from both Karin and Gaara. I put on a sour expression and crossed my arms in front of my chest angrily. At that moment, Liz came out of her room.

"Uh...did I just miss something?" she asked as she looked at the mirthful Sasuke and the bitter me.

"No. Let's just go get breakfast" I said grumpily and stormed off towards the elevator.

I got to the dining hall long before the others but it felt as if Sasuke had been following me the whole time. His stupid smile kept replaying in my head and if that wasn't creepy enough, what was 'they're nice and plushy' supposed to mean?! Did he...? My mood turned ever more sour, taking my appetite with it.

"Screw this. I'm just gonna get a coffee" I grumbled to myself.

I helped myself to a nice, big cup of coffee. Surely this was enough caffeine to last me throughout the day with no problems, right? Feeling unsure, I grabbed several packs of sugar and dumped them all into the coffee and then added ten spoonfuls of cream. I threw the lid over the cup and went to find a seat just as the others walked in.

"Coffee? She never gets coffee..." I heard Liz say aloud as I passed her.

I sat down in an empty booth in the far corner of the dining area, my back facing everyone else. I sipped my coffee gingerly, feeling slightly revived by it. Just when I thought I could have some peace and quiet to myself, something shattered it.

"'d you sleep?" Sasuke asked casually as he sat down in front of me with his breakfast of bagels and fruits.

I scowled at him, "Go find another table. I was here first".

Even though I sounded confident, I couldn't help but move to readjust my scarf around my neck, making sure that it was covering everything.

He smirked, "There's enough room for all of us, so stop being so grumpy" he reached out with his hand to my face but I shrank back right away.

"Don't you dare" I hissed, eying him dangerously.

He took back his hand and raised both in a sign of surrender, "If it makes a difference...I like your scarf" he smiled mischievously.

I gripped my scarf as I glared at him, "If you don't shut up now, I'll make you" I threatened and took another swig of my coffee.

I angrily began to look out the window, choosing to ignore the pervert sitting in front of me, just begging for attention.

"Hey! There you are! We looked all over for you guys" Liz burst in on our big bubble of tension.

"Hey" Sasuke moved over to allow room for Gaara while Liz and Karin slid in next to me.

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