Disasters & Dreams

Start from the beginning


"Fucking Tadashi."

I looked up at Cas, startled. When Cas told me that he'd never watched Big Hero 6, this wasn't the reaction I was expecting to Callaghan's story. He hadn't said a word the whole time until that.


"Tadashi. He ran in that building to save Callaghan, and he didn't even deserve to be saved. Look at everything he's doing."

That surprised me. How could he think that after learning about Abigail? "But it was out of grief. He lost his daughter."

"That makes it okay? He's allowed to do whatever he wants because he lost someone? He's allowed to destroy other people's lives? His revenge put innocent people in danger; it killed Tadashi."

"What are you saying?"

He turned back to the screen, biting his lip. "I don't know. I just don't think Callaghan deserves some special treatment. Lots of people get hurt, lose people they love, and they don't do the things he did. Tadashi and Hiro and Aunt Cass... They all deserved more than this."

"Are you sure everything is okay?"

He smiled, almost sadly. "I'm just overthinking the movie. Sorry. Just ignore me."

Cas focused back to the movie, seemingly already forgetting about everything. I, on the other hand, didn't think his words were going too leave me anytime soon.


"Are you awake?" I whispered. It was pitch black and well past ten, the time Cas said he was going to sleep.

I felt him roll over beside me. "Yeah."

"Okay. Good. We should go to prom together." I realized that wasn't how I wanted that to come out.

Cas was quiet for a while before a yawn broke the silence. "Really? Is that how you're asking me? What happened to the big promposal you promised me?"

I shifted uncomfortably. "I never said that. But I was just making sure you wanted to go. If you want, your big proposal will come later," I added.

"Actually I think there's someone I want to ask."

I smiled. "Oh, really?"

"Yeah. They're very attractive and smart and play the piccolo. Really just amazing." He moved closer to me, burying his face in my chest.

"Is it me?"

"You?" I felt the vibrations of his muffled voice by my collarbone, which was an odd sensation. "No, I'm asking Jo."

I started laughing. "I think her boyfriend might have a problem with that."

"And what about my boyfriend?" He was enjoying teasing me.

I decided to be honest. "He might get a little jealous too."

Cas hummed into my chest, sending another wave of vibrations through my skin. "Well, in that case..." He nodded, which I thought was the end of our conversation, but he turned his head so his next words would come out clear. "I would love to go to prom with you."


It was almost three in the morning when I heard Dean the first time. He made a noise that could only be described as anguish as his body temperature plummeted. I wasn't sure if the noise or the sudden cold woke me up, but I was awake nonetheless. I had almost fallen back to sleep when Dean made the sound again. He was having a nightmare, and like other nights in which his dreams were filled with terror, I had no idea how to proceed. Waking him seemed like the best idea, yet he would probably stay awake for the rest of the day. If he didn't sleep now, he wasn't going to sleep for another twenty hours. Dean has pulled all-nighters to study, but I didn't want him doing it now. His birthday was the next day; he would want to be well rested to face his family and whatever their plans were. So once again, I let his dreams continue, just hoping it was the right thing to do.

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