"Good. It's hard at times, but it's definitely paying better than the job at the café."

"That's all you have to say? How are your colleagues? And what exactly is it you're doing there?"

"Making coffee," I say as we sit down on the steps that leads down to the beach.


"Yeah," I chuckle, "I do other things too like helping people with customer inquiries, booking flights, editing the website and stuff like that." I say knowing very well that this is an upgrade from the café and that it gives me something to write on my resume. Yet, I've definitely learned that this is so not what I want to do with my life. It's fine for a period of time to earn some money until the right job comes along, but I could definitely not do this forever. At least, Harry believes in me as a photographer as well, although I don't want him to help me out with anything. I want to do it on my own and not because he may know someone in the industry who can help me out. Not that he has said anything, but I guess I wouldn't be surprised if he did know someone. Knowing him he'd like to help. To some extent at least, as long as it doesn't mean that he I won't quite.

I take a deep breath and take in the the smell of the ocean.


"Huh?" I say.

"You didn't answer my question," Bonnie says.

"Sorry. What did you ask?" I look over at her trying to play it cool as if I was not just thinking of my boss.

"How are your colleagues? Your boss?"

A smile creeps over my lips. "Don't talk much to my colleagues. There's this woman, Gertrude-"

"Gertrude?" Clearly Bonnie is making up her own assumptions due to the name.

"Yeah. Trying to avoid her as best as I can. She's a pain in the arse. I swear she must be really good at her job. Although, I wouldn't know."

"Or screwing the boss," Bonnie says, and I let out a cough as her blunt statement takes me aback.

"She's married," I say.

"So? That doesn't necessarily stop people," she says.

"Harry would never do that with her," I say wondering if Harry would ever cheat on Kaia although I don't suspect anything to be going on between Gertrude and him. I assume that she's at least ten years older. But that doesn't mean it's a turn off. He's flirting with me, so for all I know he may be flirting with her too.

"Harry is it?" She eyes me clearly awaiting a reaction on my part. "So how is, Harry?" She asks.

"He is engaged," I say looking over at her knowing that wasn't what she wanted to hear.

"That's not what I asked," she says although it's like she already knows everything. It's as if much more have been said than the three words leaving my lips.

"He's really nice. He treats his employees right," I say making sure to keep my eyes glued to the waves. I don't want her to read my facial expression. "Been very understanding. I called in sick this week, and he told me to take the rest of the week off. He brought me soup and sweets. He practically scolded me for coming to work yesterday he wanted me to look after myself," I say wondering why the right man is taken and the wrong men only wants me for sex?

"He fancies you," she says abruptly, and I stare at her in confusion.

"What?" I say although the thought has crossed my mind. At least he's flirting a fairly lot, and I can't help but think that that has to mean something.

"You heard me," she says sending me a smile.

"Even if he does, it doesn't matter," I sigh. "He's engaged."

"It matters because you like him too. Engagements can break. He isn't legally tied to anyone yet."

I look at her inhaling deeply. "It's that obvious, ay?"

"In a matter of fact yes. The tone in your voice changes when you talk about him. And you're blushing. Mentioning his fiancée really seems to have struck something in you."

"I just don't understand why all the good men are taken and all the bad ones aren't? Like what does it take to get a decent man around here?" I wonder out loud not wanting to tell her about Harry and Kaia's agreement. It's not my place to tell her about Harry's life and the fact that he isn't marrying out of love.

She chuckles as she links her arm with mine and rests her head on my shoulder. It's strange I've only known Bonnie for about a year, yet at times it's like she understands me better than anyone else. "Just be yourself and keep your eyes open. The right man will show up. I'm sure of it, besides who says there's anything wrong with being single?"

We both look at the ocean and listen to the waves that hit the shore. "You know, I think being single is very underrated. You can do whatever you feel like whenever you feel like it without feeling guilty. No strings attached. I do believe being single makes you stronger. You don't rely on anybody else to be happy. You take matters into your own hands and you are perfectly capable of taking care of yourself. I don't see why everybody seems to be striving to be in a relationship."

"Because they're tired of feeling lonely."

"You can be with people and still feel lonely, you know. Being alone doesn't necessarily mean you're lonely, and being with someone doesn't necessarily mean you aren't. Loneliness can creep in everywhere."

"When did you become so wise?" I ask with narrowed eyes as a smile plays on my lips

She chuckles. "Just trying to cheer you up. I don't want you to feel lonely, babe. And I definitely don't want you to think that being in a relationship is the solution to that. You can be single and not feel lonely," she says, yet at times it seems that being with someone is the only solution. Because I don't feel lonely when I'm with Harry, so although I get her point, I can't help but think that she's wrong. What if he is the solution? We might all be lonely once in a while, but no matter what she says, I don't think there's anything that beats being lonely alone.

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