Lemon Drop

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Third P O V

Bella made her way down the halls with the other first years, when a red phoenix appeared in front of her, causing her to jump backwards in shock. It dropped a letter into her open hands, before disappearing in a flash.

Not a second later, the exact same phoenix appeared in front of Percy who was sitting in his office, startling him and causing him to topple out of his bed. The phoenix, once again, dropped a letter in his hand, before disappearing once more.

The brother and sister both had looks of confusion as they stared at the letters, addressed to them from Dumbledore. They tore open their letters and read.

Dear young demigodling,

I have important matter to discuss with you concerning your arrival at Hogwarts. This is about your identities, so please don't tell anyone or let anyone see this letter. Please meet me at my office, immediately.


          Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

PS: I like lemon drops

The two quickly put their letters away, before making their way over to Dumbledore's office. Or at least, where they presumed it was. After all, Dumbledore didn't bother to include in the letter where his office was.

Bella's P O V

I quickly made my way to the headmasters office, and after many moving staircases and many wrong corridors, I finally reached the entrance, only to find Percy already standing there awkwardly.

"Percy?" I questioned, confused. "What are you doing here?"

He jumped, and turned to look at me wide eyed, as if only just noticing me. "Bella? What are you doing here? I'm here because I got a letter from Dumbledore regarding my identity." He explained, knowing that I understood.

I nodded. "Same." I huffed, before frowning at Percy. "Well? The meeting is in the office, isn't it?"

Percy scowled. "Yes." He agreed. "But this gargoyle won't let me past without a password!" He exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air dramatically.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Password?"

Percy glanced back at me, before turning to scowl at the gargoyle once more. "That's what I said, isn't it?"

I quickly took out the letter, not believing for once second that Dumbledore would forget to tell us the password.


I looked up at the gargoyle and stated, "Lemon drops."

To my satisfaction, the gargoyle moved away from the wall revealing a door, as well as leaving a wide eyed Percy open mouthed.

"How did you know that?" Percy accused me.

I shoved the letter under his nose, and pointed to the bottom of it. 'PS: I like lemon drops'. I smiled smugly when Percy's face turned a deep, beetroot red.

"Don't forget to read the letter!" I sang in a singsong voice, smiling smugly.

Percy swatted away the letter. "All right. I got it." He grumbled.

I smirked, and together we made our way up the spiraling staircase, to the headmaster's office.

I am sooooo sorry for not updating in so long. My mum restricted it on my iPad, and I couldn't get my hands on the computer.

I fact, my iPad is still in my room, restricted of Wattpad. I am currently on the computer.

Once I finally got my hands on the computer, I couldn't think of what to write, as i haven't written the story in so long! I completely forgot the plot!

I am once again, soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry for the wait and will most definitely make it up to you guys.


All characters belong to Rick Riorden and J K Rowling (but Bella) and the plot is mine!!!!

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