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Bella's P O V

I changed into my robes and scrowled. These robes were seriously uncomfortable, and I had no idea of how the heck I was meant to fight monsters in these. I groaned in annoyance, before I made my way out of the bathroom, trying to ignore the stiffness of the robes.

I made my way back to my apartment and sat back down. I looked instinctively reached for my necklace, tracing every charm I had. For a long time, I hadn't know who gave it to me. But now I did, and I am very thankful. Not many demigods received gifts from their Godly parent, especially before they were at Camp Half-Blood.

I looked out the window and frowned. Something didn't feel right. My suspicions were confirmed when the train came to a sudden halt. I watched curiously as frost started to climb up the window.

Yes, I was just curious. Unlike Malfoy and his goons who were cowering in the corner, scared out of their wits. The temperature suddenly dropped miraculously, causing me to shudder. 

I sipped my head towards the compartment door, to see a silhouette of a ghostly figure outside. The figure opened the compartment door, revealing a shivled hand. When it opened the compartment door, I felt as if I could never be happy again.

Shaking that feeling away, I turned towards the figure. The figure wore a hoot, and was darker than black. When I looked it in the face, my eyes widened a fraction on a centimetre. 

I stared in horror as my childhood nightmares came rushing back to me. Every time I was shouted at by my stepfather. Every beating I received. When my mother was killed with cold blood.

I snapped out of my trance like state, and stared deep into the figure's hood with nothing but hatred. It showed my all my beatings, and every time I was shouted at. But my mother's death was too far. It had crossed the line.

I screamed. Not in fear. No, not at all. I screamed in anger. In anger of how my stepfather treated me all that time. In anger of how my stepfather treated me all that time. In anger of Of how I had to survive for weeks alone in the forest, where the monsters were roaming around. In anger of... this thing... that showed me all my horrors in life.

When I screamed, I didn't notice the figures reteating. I didn't notice the lights coming back off or the temperature rising back. The only thing I could remember was darkness enveloping me. 

How was it?

I know I haven't updated in ages and I'm really sorry. 😐 

I had NAPLAN recently, and had to do lots of studying.

Horrible right? Ik.

At least it's finally over.

Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!


All rights belong to Rick Rioden and J K Rowling (but Bella) the plot is mine.

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