The Last Chapter(18)

Start from the beginning

"Yeah," he said then looked at her, "and I will never leave her again"

Someone cleared his throat.

"You know what, perfecto," Charlie said, "You are starting to get on my nerves"

"Sorry for being a good brother," Adam said with a smile then he looked at me.

"Hey there," he said.


"Seriously, she has been sleeping for 2 days now and all you could say is hey," Charlie said.

Dany nudged him, "Maybe we should leave"

And they did.

"If everyone is alive then what did the second bullet hit?"

"The police shot him," Adam said, "there was an officer behind me and when he hit you, the officer hit him"

"So he is dead?"

Adam nodded, "if he wasn't, I would have killed him myself"


He sat down and cupped my face, "he almost killed you, I could never allow him to live after that"

I was about to object when he said, "I told you not to do a move without telling me"

"I did tell you," I objected, "I sent you a text telling you everything and I told you to bring the police to the address"

"After you were there," he shouted, "what if I didn't come at the right time? You would have all died. What could I do then?"

I blushed, he is right, I was careless but I was too excited to wait for him.

"You look so cute when you blush"

That made me blush even more.

We stared at each other as we closed the distance between us with a kiss.

We broke off, stared at each other's eyes then started grinning.

"I finally kissed you," he said.

"Finally," I whispered as I closed the distance again.

Of course, my mother had to enter the room, now.

"I... I will go see where Dany went"

"Don't say a word," I told Mom when Adam left.

"I won't," she said, "just one little question"

"Which is?"

"Do you love him?"

I blushed, "yes, yes, I do"

Comfortable silence dominated the situation.



"Have you ever thought about marrying again?"

She frowned, "what kind of question is that?"

"Answer me"

"I... I don't know"

"You don't know!" I smiled, "that means yes"

"You don't mind if I thought about marriage!"

"Of course not," I said and held her hand, "I only want to see you happy"

"My little baby girl"

"So, who is the lucky guy?"

Please be Dr Bayliss, Please be Dr Bayliss, Please be Dr Bayliss.

"It's Dr Bayliss"


"Well, go and tell him"

"What if...?"

"There is no what if, GO!"

After a month, The Elders decided to make a party to celebrate the ending of the kidnappings.

Mom was there with Dr Bayliss, they are finally together. Mickey and Joudy were there, in one piece and full health. Dany was with Charlie, turns out that they are serious about it. I am just happy to find my friend happy. Finally and most importantly, I was with Adam.

"So, Sherlock," he said while we were dancing, "would you like to have another adventure like this?"

"Yes, actually," I said, "I enjoyed it so much that I am thinking about joining a police academy or something after finishing school"


I nodded.

"I have to say that I never thought that my wife will be a police officer," he said, "but OK. I can accept"

"D... Did you just say your wife?"

"You didn't think that I was going to leave you, did you?"

I pulled him closer and whispered in his ear, "I will never let you go"

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