The Jedi Way

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"Paul!," Rex yelled across the woodlands of Kashyyyk.

"Yes," he said coming toward the two men.

"This is Jeshi Vaal, a Jedi Master that fought during the Clone Wars. He shall be your teacher from now on."

"I don't need a teacher, I'm 27 years old."

"Happy 28th Birthday. Rex told me," Jeshi took a step forward.

"Thanks, I guess."

"I'm currently 48 years old myself. I was taught by Count Dooku and then Mace Windu".

"So, have you felt the dark side?"

"Yes, I know what you have been through. I, too, have felt it and have seen it but was not tempted by it".

"Is hard you know. Is like an addiction. I can't stop feeling the want to have more".

"I understand. I'll start from the beginning."

"Don't mind me, I see where Mark is," Rex left Paul and Jeshi alone.

Jeshi and Paul went on top of a tree. Jeshi crossed his legs and began to meditate on the wood logs.

"What are you doing?"

"Connecting to the Force. Come join me," Jeshi waved his hand to assure Paul.

Paul sat next to Jeshi. He proceeded to follow his new masters way of thoughts and strategies but seem to fail at it.

"I don't get it".

"Well, the Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together. That one belongs to Obi-Wan Kenobi".

"I know that, but I lust for power".

"That's not the Jedi way".

"No, it is not. It is the Sith way. Anger, Fear, Hate, Suffering, all traits of them, but I feel it consuming me. I can't control it".

"You must resist it".

"I know what I must do".


"In a vision I had on Malachor-"

"You went to Malachor?!"

"Yes. We combined the two holocrons and I saw twin suns".


"Maul and I".

"You joined a Sith!"

"We both needed help".

"You have gone down a road, I would never have thought possible," Jeshi stood up and began to leave.

"Who's Obi-Wan?"

"A Jedi Master. He warned us all to step away from the Temple, where thousands died."

"How did he warned you all? Where is him now?"

"He used this," Jeshi took out a Jedi holocron, "and he disappeared soon afterwards."

"I have two of them in my starfighter."

"I figured," and with that, Jeshi left to the base.

Paul stood there all alone, and was not sure what to say or do next. He had thia dark feelings lurking inside of him ready to unleash at any moment.

Then Naiya came around. She looked happy to see Paul.



"I want to have a baby."

2 years later

"Paul!," Mark Solo called up Paul from his sleep.

"What is it?"

"Is time".

Mark and Paul hurried to the infirmary of the base to see Naiya lying down in bed.

"How are you?"

"I'm more than okay, now that you are here," she said kissing him.

"I'm happy for you, believe it or not. I treat you guys like a brother. And now I'm an uncle".

"And I will be a grandfather, but not from blood," Rex said entering the room along with Jeshi.

"Now that everyone is here. I have a confession to make".

"What is it?"

"I was in contact with the Rebel Alliance. Soon, they will steal the Death Star plans".

"That soon? The Death Star is almost completed, right?," Mark looked curious.

"Yes, and I will be there along with three more men."

"I'm in," Rex said.

"Me two," Mark added.

"You guys are missing the point. Paul is having a son and he is thinking of going to war. He is getting darker," Jeshi said angrily.

"I thought you trained during those years."

"And he learned nothing! He wants to go be the hero and kill Darth Vader, when he can't even be a good father!"

Jeshi stormed out of the room in a hurry. Naiya looked at Mark and then at Paul.

"I agree, you should sit this one out. Let Jeshi go," Naiya finally spoke after moments of silence.

"What? And miss my chance at killing the man that took everything from me? Not a chance."

"Paul..." Naiya couldn't finish her sentence as Paul stormed off towards the woodlands of Kashyyyk, thinking of his life so far.

"What a mess."

Meanwhile, in the depths of Tatooine, Ben Kenobi is putting a fire to stay warm as he says goodbye to the Ghost Crew, when he hears metal scrapping the sand and realizes he has found a match.

Maul appears. 

"Look what has become of you, a rat in the desert," Maul scolds

"Look what I have risen above."

"I have come to kill you, but perhaps is best to leave you festering on your squalor," Maul says.

"If you define yourself by your power to take life, and desire to dominate what you possess? Then you have nothing."

Maul grins and ignites his red lightsaber, "And what do you have?!"

"Why did you come to this place? Not simply to hide. You have purpose here, perhaps you are protecting something. No, protecting someone."

Ben ignites his lightsaber. Maul then ignites both sides of his double-bladed lightsaber. They both stare each other down.

Maul swings first and is then blocked by Ben. Maul swings again and is again blocked. Ben strikes Maul, mortally wounding him and breaking his lightsaber in two.

"Tell me... is it the chosen one?," Maul barely could talk.

"He is," Ben said in a calm voice.

"He will... avenge us," were the last words of the long-gone sith Maul.

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