17: attention pt. 2

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my thoughts consisted of jc. jc. jc. and just a lot more of jc. he swirled around in my mind, making my thoughts go back to two weeks ago. the touch of his hands made my skin hot and i often just laid in bed, feeling his hands touch me, but he never ended up there. never his hands, but sadly my own.

my memory was fogged with him and his soft, but sexy touch. i couldn't think straight, literally. everything about jc made me burn with a desire i never felt before.

his eyes, so dark that day, filled with raw emotion, burned into my head. an image would replay in my sleep and every time i closed my eyes. no one has ever gotten to me like this before.

i had no idea what the fuck was wrong with me, but i craved jc's attention. i walked around the house, hoping to see him. hoping he'd look at me with those same eyes again.

the fact that i never had jc's time really bothered me. he was always doing something else. laughing with bobby, filming with corey, helping franny pick outfits out. when was my time going to come?

i just wanted to grab him and just fucking kiss him with everything i had. but i didn't. no one knew about that day and frankly, no one deserved to. i liked the secret only jc and i shared.

after a long two hours of sitting in my room, thinking about jc and basically over analysing every feature on his perfect face as i stared at his pictures, i ran downstairs to get food.

bobby was vlogging with franny and a few of her friends when he saw me. with a grin, he grabbed one of his merch sweatshirts and threw it at me. "kian, wear my merch, dude!" he laughed.

i grinned, yanking the sweatshirt over my naked upper half. i looked down at how it fit and groaned. "you gave me a crop top, dipshit," i told him.

i heard loud laughs coming from them and rolled my eyes, not even caring at this point. "you look pretty," franny giggled.

with a mocking giggle, i flicked them off and went over to the fridge. i felt movement behind me as i looked in the fridge for something appealing to me.

a light touch on my waist made me close my eyes, recognizing jc's warm hands. "hey," he muttered, letting his hands explore my exposed skin. "i really like this on you. gives me a good look at your stomach. lowkey wanna take it off," jc said to me.

i burned a dark red as i blushed. i grabbed a random apple from the fridge and turned around, feeling the cool air touch my back.

"jc," i nodded, greeting him with an embarrassing smile. i didn't exactly want to see him when i looked like this. i look like a complete idiot. fucking thanks bobby, i thought inside my head.

he put his hand on the bottom of my back and pushed my body towards him. i yelped like a little bitch and heard the fridge door close as jc smirked at me. "woah, sorry 'bout that. i had to close the door," he said.

shoot me. please, shoot me.

i never saw jc like this before and it really turned me on and that was bad. really bad. everything in me told me not to reached out. the people in the living room could easily turn and see this and bobby was vlogging for fucks sake.

in a second, he could angle the camera to catch me basically leaning on jc with a red ass face. that wouldn't look too fucking great on us since i was already caught with hickeys on my neck a week before.

everything about this situation made me want to run and hide. i cleared my throat, ignoring the fact that my chest was on jc's and his face was close and i could easily lean down- okay, no.

"i should go," i said.

jc frowned, "why? i only wanted to talk," he said. his head cocked to the side in an adorable way and he was actually pouting. i felt myself stir, but i did everything in my power to ignore it because i could see the wheels turning in jc's head.

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