8: reunited

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jc has nothing against parties. in fact, he use to party a lot back when he wasn't in a committed relationship. now that he was free of his ex girlfriend, he could do as he pleased.

as he walked around the house, his eyes caught sight of kian, his old best friend. they had a falling out one night because kian didn't particularly like his girlfriend. soon, they just didn't get along and they had to end their channel.

jc still remembers the tears in kian's eyes as he left the group house. there was nothing jc regretted more than not running after his best friend. they'd known each other for about five or six years and jc had chosen a girl over him.


he downed his drink, before walking over to kian, who was talking to bobby. they all still lived in the house together, except kian of course. "hey," jc greeted.

kian bit his lip and waved. "sup.." he muttered. they'd gone a whole year without seeing each other, so this would definitely be interesting. bobby decided to step away to give them space. as the music echoed around the house and people danced on each other like they had no sense, kian and jc had a stare down.

"how have you been?" jc asked.

kian smiled, "i'm okay, but i'm still off of social media," he answered.

jc nodded, "yeah, i haven't really posted on youtube."

kian glanced over at the wall, suddenly more interested in it. "heard you and that girl broke up," he mumbled. jc almost didn't hear what he said.


"we did, yeah. i got what i deserved though," jc shook his head and realized that he really wanted another drink.

kian looked back at him, "what do you mean?"

jc chuckled, "i chose her over you. that was probably the worst decision i've ever made."

kian ran a hand through his now pink hair and laughed. "karma's a bitch, man" he shrugged.

jc laughed along with him, "you're right," he admitted. they stood there for a little while longer, just staring at each other with a smile on their faces. "you look nice," jc said, breaking the silence.

it seemed like the music was louder than before, so kian stepped closer to jc, almost chest to chest. "huh?" he asked.

jc leaned up to whisper in kian's ear, "i said you look nice."

kian shook his head with a giggle. "i look the same!" he had his 'don't be an asshole' shirt on, with tight jeans and a pair of black converse. the only thing different about him was his hair.

"hey, you wanna come back to my house?" jc asked, no longer caring about the party. he just wanted to catch up with kian and spend time with him.

kian nodded and grabbed onto jc hand to steer him out of the house. "bobby drove me here, so i can just leave in your car," kian told him once they were outside.

jc unlocked his car and they both got in. he took a short drive back to the new group house and parked in the driveway. "this is nice," kian complimented as he stepped out of the vehicle.

jc chuckled, "yeah, it has a pool like the old house and a lot of space. maybe you can move in," he said, bumping his elbow into kian's side.

"i would actually like to take you up on that offer, because i'm always so lonely at my apartment," kian admitted. jc unlocked the door and turned the lights on. kian followed behind him, shutting and locking the door.

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