Chapter 32

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Ryan's pov
"Thank you all for coming and I'll have Sarah bring you the contract so you can sign it"

I shake one of my clients hand and walk out the conference room. I reach my office and sit there quietly, viewing New York's busy streets. I turn back and look at the frame I have of Sky on my desk. She looks so happy, her beautiful smile and the way her eyes have that shine. I miss her, I know she's not dead but since she's not waking up it feels as she's gone. I look through my door and find Sky's office. The office seems quiet and lonely, nothing has been touched since months. This company feels empty, Sky would always bright up everyone with her happy self. God damn it I miss her! I need her! Why hasn't she woken up? Has she given up yet? she can't, she knows I need her more then everything. I may have hurt her recently but it was all a mistake. I always visit her everyday and sometimes I stay with her overnight. The doctors always say the same thing "she's progressing very slowly" I'm getting tired of hearing the same thing over and over again. I just want her to wake up, that's all I want. Cody seems pretty down, I know it's not good for his health but who could blame him, the person who rescued him isn't waking up. I get up from my chair and grab my stuff and head to the hospital.

I grab a chair and place it close to the bed. I sit down and hold Sky's hand. Before I used to freak out when her hand was ice cold but now, I'm used to it. I look at her face and caress her cheek. I wish to see her beautiful brown eyes, and that perfect smile of hers. Her normal tan skin color instead of a pale one and her laugh, I haven't heard it in a long time. I kiss her cheek as I begin to talk to her,

"Babe, I know your there. I know you can hear me, I need you more than anything. I'm sorry for what I've done, it's because of me your in this stupid bed. Some doctors give me this look that I should give up already, but I'm not. Your stronger then you think you are, you will wake up from this coma. I want to here, beside me. You taught me how to love someone, I learned from the best. Please Sky don't go, stay with me. I-I love you"

I looked down at the ground and softy cry. I could talk to her everyday but still wouldn't hear an answer. I could hold her hand but still wouldn't feel her grip. All these thoughts were slowly eating my hopes away. I looked at the time and realize it was late and probably Cody was feeling lonely. I was about to let Sky's hand go when I feel a soft grip. I turn around and find her opening her eyes as she turns her head towards my direction.

"S-Sky!? Your awake!!!"

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"S-Sky!? Your awake!!!"

She looks around confused and her eyes land on mine

"R-Ryan what happened? What am I doing here?"

"You don't remember? You had an accident and you've been in a coma for months"

She looked deep in my eyes and suddenly as if she remembered EVERYTHING

"While I was in coma I heard and felt everything, your words and touch. And now I realize how sorry you were. I love you too Ryan"

I was shocked. I didn't know she'll accept my apology that quick I mean what I did was unforgettable but I'm glad she did. I smile and bend down and kiss her passionately. Her lips were like heaven on mine, so long it's like I had forgotten how they felt against mine.

Finally she was back with me...


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