Chapter 16

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(Picture of Ryan's mom^^)

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(Picture of Ryan's mom^^)

Ryan's pov
I was in my office doing paperwork. I couldn't stop thinking about sky. I was a jerk towards her for totally ditching her. I'll make it up to her, by taking her out. I grab my paperwork and place it on a folder, I pack everything I need and head to sky's place. I had to call some of my people to search up her address. Once I get there, I see a small apartment. It's not that bad but I can totally give her much more. She was my queen. She was shocked to see me here. She let me in and boy was I right. Her apartment wasn't the greatest but she kept it clean

 Her apartment wasn't the greatest but she kept it clean

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After telling her she went to go change. I then receive a call and once I answered it I wish I never did.
"Hello son"
"Mom what the hell do you what?"
"I heard you have a girlfriend?"
"So what?"
"Well I need you to get rid of her"
"Have you forgotten I can destroy her"
"Why are you doing this?"
"It's for your own good, your marrying someone else"
"Well, what happens if I don't"
"Then I'll take you out if the company for good"
"No, you can't do this!!!"
"Try me Ryan, you will end that personal assistant of yours"
End of flashback......
I don't know why I agreed, Sky makes me feel....complete. After all these years, she pops up and now she wants to destroy my relationship with Sky. After literally screaming and being so rude to Sky, I leave her house. I turn back to her apartment, what if she's crying or in pain?. I just wanted to go back to her and tell her it was a joke, but it wasn't. And that's what pissed me off. Because I knew my mother can really destroy Sky, or hurt her, she was powerful a women and would do anything just to have everything they way she wants it to be. So, I was on my way to her place. I was going to have a serious chat with my so-called- mother. Oh,how I wanted to call Sky and tell her I'm sorry. She probably hates me. And what hurts me more is that even though I was rude to her, she still asked me if I was okay, that if something has happened to me. I grip the steering wheel as I reached to her house. Once I get there, I enter the house and storm my way to her office. I open the door and she looks up.
"What are you doing here Ryan?"
"I think you know why"
"Is it because of that girl?"
"That girl has a name, it's Skylar"
"I don't care what her name is or who she is"
"Well I DO!!!!!"
"Did you break up with her already?"
"And that's why I'm here to talk to you. I will not leave her"
"I guess you want her to get hurt Ryan?"
"Oh please, we both know I'm powerful then you are. I can destroy her in a blink of a eye"
"Why? You were never there for me as a mother, so why you have the right to do this?"
"It's for your own good"
"You think this is for my own good? Separating me with someone I adore, who's been there for me. You think it's for my own good marrying someone o don't even know? Who I don't care for? You truly are the worst mother"
She walks up to me and slaps me across the face.

I didn't care

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I didn't care. All I said was the truth. And she knew it.
"You will respect me whether you like it or not. I'm still your mother"
"Then as my mother you should you should be happy for me. I found someone already."
"I said NO! You will get marry with someone else who is our level"
"Our level? I get it. You don't like Skylar because she isn't our level. That's pathetic. She may not be our level but she can behave better then those who are "our level"

 She may not be our level but she can behave better then those who are "our level"

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She gives me a deadly stare, but I couldn't care less. I was going to fight for Sky. For our relationship
"Ryan you listen to me. Forget that girl. It was just a fling, the girl your marrying is beautiful and has power. She will give you kids and together you both will be famous"
"No. I will not marry her. I don't care if she was the only girl on earth, I still wouldn't marry her. I want Sky. I chose her. I always will mother"
"Very well if that's your choice, then it'll come with consequences"
"You better not"
"Ryan enough with the threats, you chose that girl, fine go ahead. Destroy your future, but remember I'm always right"
She gives me a evil smile. I storm out of her office and enter my car. I was glad I stood up for my relationship.I wasn't going to let a so-call-mother destroy it. I will fight for this relationship and I will win. Because with Sky I'm happy. And I'm not going to let no one take it from me.

I love Sky.

Hey loves ❤️ phew 😅 what a anxious chapter. But Ryan finally said the L word 😍 now what will happen to Sky? Will Ryan's mom complete her threats? Find out in the next chapter 😝 stay positive ✨ Kay byeeeeeeeeeeeee✌️

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