Chapter 18 - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Start from the beginning

As Kara took her hand and applied one feather-soft kiss to the palm, Lena exhaled shakily. "So, those boundaries we'd discussed."

"Yeah?" Kara said, applying another kiss, her gaze never leaving Lena's.

"I'm assuming they didn't take into account us waking up in bed together."

"Ah..." With a small laugh, Kara laid Lena's hand across her face again. Eyes closed, she rubbed her cheek across the palm. "That's a fair assumption."

"You holding up any better than I am right now?"

Eyes popping open again, Kara said, "Well, I'm glad you're not J'onn."

As her brows furrowed, Lena laid in stunned silence for several seconds. "...what?"

Kara chuckled. "Oh, Rao. That came out wrong. J'onn's a telepath. I just meant I'm glad you can't read my mind. See that would have translated much better in my language. English is confusing."

"Oh," Lena said laughing slightly and relaxing. Biting her lower lip, Lena looked away before returning her gaze to meet Kara's. "Would you prefer I move away? Is it safe for me to stay, or do I remind you too much of John?"

Sighing and rolling her eyes, Kara gently squeezed Lena a bit closer to herself. "I'll try and control myself...J'onn."

As she snuggled up, this time knowingly, onto Kara's shoulder and curled into the other woman's body, Lena said, "Now I feel like a couple. You already have a pet name for me."

Kara laughed. "I can't wait to tell Alex about this moment. It will go something like this. 'Alex, Lena and I were in bed. I was kissing her.'" Pulling Lena's hand to her mouth, Kara demonstrated. "'Then I started to call her by my pet name for her...J'onn.'"

With a cruel chuckle, Lena said, "Oh, you must hate your sister."

"You have no idea what I've had to suffer through since she started dated Maggie. It's calmed down now, but the TMI was nearly unbearable at times, and I bore it bravely."


"Definitely," Kara agreed. "When I have some gross stuff about us to share with her, I'm sharing."

"Well, I hope it's not gross."

"Sister gross."

"Okay, that's fair. I only have a brother, and he was nine years older than I. We didn't exactly talk relationships much. Still, if he knew who you were, I don't think we'd have to get beyond the fact that we're dating for it to be considered 'gross stuff' by Lex."

"Good thing he's already in jail," Kara said sobering a bit. "Your mom isn't going to take this well, is she?"

"As if I care. Obviously, I don't make my life's decisions based on what makes her happy, Kara. If I did that, genocide would be on the table."

"True. Still, how unhappy do you think she'll be on a scale of passive-aggressive comments over the dinner table to genocide?"

"Are you asking me if my family will try to kill either of us more than they are right now?"

"Oh." Cuddling Lena in tighter, Kara said, "That's valid. They do want me dead already. I don't think your mother is actively trying to kill you right now. That might change."

"It might. It might not. Are you going to refuse to date me because my insane mother might want you because of it?" Lena asked as she looked up at Kara.

Meeting Lena's gaze, Kara simply replied, "No."

"Good. Me neither. I guess we're stuck with each other then. So, what do you want to do about it?"

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