Chapter 7

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First update of this book in 2018! WHOO! Was the wait worth it? Probably not :)


The day moved on leaving behind the set of friends. After Alexander put in his two cents the Sunshine Boy Protection Squad and John had the gears in their heads turning non-stop. Every chance presented to them was a chance to debate about what happened to Billy. The whoop-de-doo did have to cease when John had to go. “I can't be distracted!” As he says. Before they all knew it, they were back on the small yellow bus home.

Laf’s POV: (A/N If words are italicized that means the person is speaking another language)
I could not stop thinking after Alex told his thought to us. Maybe he is correct. But if he is, where has Billy gone? So much thinking was happening in my head that I forgot about the outside world. “Honey?”

I snapped my head up and turned to Hercules. “Ah! What happened? Who's hurt? Did you call me 'honey’?” My eyes must have been popping out of my head or something. Hercules put his hand on my shoulder. “What's wrong? You seem shaken up.”

I looked around and realized John and Alexander were no longer here. I wonder how long I was out, as the Americans say. Worry was in Hercules’s voice when it did not have to. At least, not for me it doesn't. “Nothing! Why do you ask?”

“You seemed spaced out for awhile and you were speaking French. I wanted to make sure you're okay.” He smiled that caring smile at me. I couldn't help, but smile back. “I am fine! Do not fret, my dear!” Hercules tilted his head to the side. He tried to turn himself to face me against the seatbelt on the bus. “What does that last part me?”

A part of me feels sad knowing I might never tell him. “I-it means ‘my friend’.” Hercules nodded after hearing my fib. A loud scratchy noise happened when the bus came to a stop. Hercules upside down smiled and grabbed his bag that I didn't even know was in my lap. I follow Hercules’ to the front of the bus to see him off. His mom was waiting outside for him. He waved at me. “I'll see you tomorrow, my dear!

I scream inside of my head. I didn't think Hercules would say that to me. I smile and wave back excitedly. “Bye!”

I sit back down near the front of the bus now feeling pretty lonely. At least I still have the bus driver. She's my neighbor and she's amazing! “So, Hercules called you dear.” She looked at me through the big mirror hanging above her. I knew she was smiling in a  teasing way at me. She started up the bus and I slide down in my leather seat feeling… embarrassed.

“Aww! Chin up, Gilbert. I'm only teasing you.” I lift up my chin only making her laugh. “What did I do, Miss Martha?”

She shook her head still smiling. “Nothing, sweetheart. You're alright!”


Grandma!” Grandma swoops me up in a big hug and I hug back just as strong. Grandma takes me into our house and sets me down in the big coach room. “Hello, my little warrior. How was school?”

I BROUM around the living room and laugh. “School was... awesome. I made a new-

“Uh, uh, uh! In English.” Grandma smiled and I made an animal noise. “I...made... a new... friend!”

“Ooo! What's their name?” I silent cheer in my head for speaking English right. “His name is Alexander and I adopt him as my daughter!”

“As your son, dear. He would be your son.”

I think about it and shake my head. “No… he's my daughter. I have a… gut feeling to call him daughter.”

I told Grandma all about my day and how I told Alexander about BROUM.

“Wow! I can't believe you told him about broum.” Grandma grinned in disbelief.

“I know! He found our note and we were left with no...option. He said something interesting also.”

“What was it?”

“He said, “Bodies can't hide themselves.””

Grandma's phone rang and she right side up smiled. “It's your best friend!”

I grin happily! “Adrienne!” I bounce on my toes and wait for grandma to open the call. I thank Grandma and run to my room.


“...and then King George peed his pants and I told my daughter about broum when he found our note for Billy.

Adrienne laughed and shook her head, her curled hair moving also. “Wow, Gil! I can't believe you told Alex about broum! You must trust him a lot.

I smile and nod. “Yep! I do not think Hercules completely trusts him though.”

From what you've told me about Hercules, I guess he has his reason. Speaking of…

My face warms up and I shake my head. “Don’t you dare…”

Is he your…”



I groan and flop back onto my bed. Why does she always do this? “Adrienne!! No! Stop! Shut up!”

Adrienne grinned and laughed. “What? I'm just curious! You did say he might've called you 'honey’ and 'my dear’.”

Why does she always have to prove a point?! She is way too smart for me. I stick out my tongue at her. “You always use my words against me.”

She giggled. “Just doing my job. Bye, Gilbert!” I sigh and shake my head. “Bye, Adrienne…”


Sorry for being dead :D

Stars! (Hamilton Kindergarten AU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें