Chapter 2

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I know I just published! Shh....

Lafayette’s POV

A few forevers later, the bus finally arrived at the school. It was huge! Not bigger than my old school in France, but pretty big. I miss Adrienne… Maybe I can call her later! I try not to hop out of my seat, but I cannot help myself! I stand up on the chair and bend my legs. I jump high off the chair and when I land I put my hands on my hips proudly.

“Wow! It looked like you were flying!” Hercules stared at me impressed causing my heart to beat faster. I did it! I impressed him! I giggle and try out my English.

"Th...Thank you!" He laughed which made me smile. I like Hercules! A lot more than John somehow. I wonder if Hercules will marry me... Probably not. That makes me feel sad and I make an upside down smile.

“What's wrong, Laf?” Hercules eyes and words were worried. They should not have to be.


"You look sad."

"I'm okay!" I know lying is bad, but I do not want him to worry. I smile to sell my performance. Hercules smiled back.

"Okay! Let's go!" Hercules took my hand and led me off the bus. I think today will be a great day!

John's POV

I sat next to Alexander in class! He's funny and smart! He says so many big words that the teacher has to ask him what they mean. It's so cute when Alex gets excited and answer Mr. Washing machine with such confidence. Too bad Papa says I'm not allowed to think he's cute. Papa says I can only like girls and think they're cute. He would get angry at me like the last time, so I pretend to like girls. Maybe if I had Alex's bravery, I could tell him! I'll just have to hide it from Papa for now.

A painful feeling shot through my arm, making me scream. Somebody scared me by pinching my arm. I looked for the culprit and saw Alex looking at the teacher with a little smile.

"Did you poke me?!" He laughed and smiled innocently. "Maybe!"

I squint at him because now I know he did it. "I know you did it, Alex! What do you want?" He grabbed my hands and shushed me because the teacher, Mr. Washing machine, was talking. He slipped a small piece of paper in my hand, but I couldn't read it right now. I slip it in my pocket and blew out a breath. I pout and listen to the teacher.

"Good morning students! Welcome to your first day of school. Who's excited?" I raised my hand along with everyone else. Well, everyone except one kid with a shiny plastic crown and a Capri-Sun. "I'm not! I don't wanna be here! I wanna be home with my momma." Weird, I thought I saw that crown on someone else.

Another kid leaped from his chair and kicked it to the side. "GIVE ME MY CROWN BACK, PEASANT!" The first boy got up and shouted, "NEVER!"

The second boy started chasing the first boy with the crown. It was like that police chase I saw on TV last night! They raced around like cops and thieves, hopping over chairs and tables like Olympic gymnasts. The class erupted into laughter at the two boys. Washing machine tried to get the boys to settle down, but they were too busy running to realize he wanted them to stop.

"Sammy! Help me catch this thief!" Sammy, who seemed upset, shook his head and pouted. "But–"

The bossy kid stamped his foot. "No buts! He took my stuff!"

Sammy looked bothered and angry as he got out of his seat. Poor guy. "Fine... Charlie, could you give Geor–" Sam got cut off by the second kid. "KING George!"

Sammy rolled his eyes. "Could you give King George his crown back?" A king? I didn't know I was in the same room as royalty! Charlie shook his head.

"No! The revolution is happening!" Charlie threw his hands in the air. What's a revolution? Maybe Alex knows!

"Charlie..." Sammy's voice sounded threatening like Papa's for a second. It sent a shiver down my back. "Give him back his crown."

Charlie grumbled and gave King George his crown back. "Thank you!" The King put on his crown happily. Charlie folded his arms and huffed. "You're lucky my wife was here! If not, I would've burned that in my fireplace!"

Wait... He's married? I'm gonna ask him. "You're married?!"

Charlie turned to me and nodded his head. “Yes, I'm married! Sammy's my wife.”

Sammy's face went red like Alex's did on the bus. Oh no, I think the sickness is contagious! Hopefully, I don't catch it. Washing machine cleared his throat catching everyone's attention. “Could the three of you go back to your seats?”

Sammy, King George, and Charlie sat down and Washing machine kept talking. I wonder why his name is Mr. Washing machine. Maybe his parents thought it was funny. "Alright students! Since it's the first day, you can all have some free time at centers until lunch."

Yes! I love centers! We could draw, play with Play Doh, draw, make anything we want! Except, we can't play monster trucks anymore. Rest in potatoes, Billy. Washing machine set up a place on the rug and pulled out a book.

"We also have storytime on the rug!" Everyone looked at each other before running to the rug, full speed. Washing machine chuckled. "Storytime it is!"

Washing machine pulled up a stool and everyone sat around him. I bounce happily next to Alex as Washing machine opens a book. "The Little Engine That Could..."

Washing machine read the story. I tried to listen, but Jefferson wouldn't shut up– I mean, quiet down! I lean over to Alex and whisper, "I wish Thomas would close his mouth." Alex nodded and walked over to Washing machine. That's when things started to get crazier!

Stars! (Hamilton Kindergarten AU)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя