Chapter: 1

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At School... *Kylee's P.O.V.*

The sun shined down as I got out of my car. A cloud stormed over my head, and I hunched over in sadness.

It's too bright out here for my depression...

I started walking towards the school. The crystal white snow reflected the sun into my eyes, and I was slightly blinded for a second. I actually want to die.

By the time I regained my sight, I was tackled and put into a headlock.

"Kylee! How's my best bud!?!" Matt laughed, smiling brightly.

"Matt!! My hair!"

He stopped, and I fixed my hair heavy-heartedly. I looked up at Matt, and he was wearing a black button down coat with a blazing red hoodie that had his name on it under his coat. His pale white skin was as light as the snow, and I swear he'd blend in if it wasn't for this jet black hair that used to be a brown like the tree trunk of an evergreen tree until he changed, went emo and dyed it black. I never thought it suited him.

Matt's expression changed into a look of concern. "I heard what happened with Nathan yesterday. You doing okay? You need some help?"

Okay you might not know what Matt's hinting at, but let's just say I'm not the most innocent girl on this street. Matt and I used to date, and things didn't go so well after awhile. So we broke up, and now we're "friends". Yeah, we play around sometimes, but it's only ever when I'm in a stressful time.

I glared at him, and spoke with my hands on my hips. "No, I don't need help, Matthew."

Matt's expression returned to his usual childish and playful one, and he raised his hands in defense. "Ooo. My full name. Someone's serious."

I put on a fake smile to hide how much I was really dying on the inside since he mentioned Nathan. "So, how have you been Matt? I've only seen you in class as of late. You didn't go and get a lady friend did you?"

"No, well..." Matt averted his eyes and blushed a deep red. "There is this girl."

"Aww! See at least you've got a chance in the world." I sighed heavily, and Matt placed his hand on my shoulder.

He smiled, and it was so bright that it shined through my dark demeanor. "Hey cheer up Kylee. You'll find someone I just know it. Now I've gotta go. So I'll see you later."

Matt walked away waving, and I waved back at him.

I turned back around and bumped into someone. We both spoke at the same time.

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" I looked up to see a guy with light brown hair, hazel eyes, and lightly toned skin. He had on a baby blue bubble coat with a black knitted hat and scarf.

He smiled, reached out and helped me up from the cold ground. He laughed with a very friendly aura surrounding him. He looked really familiar.

Curiosity suddenly filled his eyes as he examined me with his eyes. "Aren't you in my English class?"

Well, that explains why he looks familiar.

I thought for a second. "Oh! Yeah I sit in the back by the window."

"Mhm, you're the person who memorized the Mark Antony speech in two days. Umm, what do they call you...?" He waved his hand in the air in an arch as he spoke. " Ah! Shakespeare Girl." He laughed happily and held his stomach hunching over.

I blushed. I never knew people called me that...

"People actually call me that?" I had a hint of sadness in my voice.

The Hopeless Romanticजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें