Chapter: 12

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*Kylee's  P.O.V.* At Kylee's house...

"Matt, stop... We need to study."

Matt and I were in the living room studying.

"We're smart enough." He kissed my neck again. Then the doorbell rang.

"Hold on Matt." I got up and walked to answer it. I opened the door to see Benjamin.

He was wearing a red jacket with a white v-neck and white jeans. 

"Hey." He slightly waved.

"You have some real guts showing up here." I crossed my arms over my chest slightly pouting.

"I know. I know, but I need to talk to you."

I rolled my eyes. "About what?"

"Kylee- What are you doing here?" Matt had walked up behind me.

"I just need to talk to-" 

Matt pushed me behind him. "Talk to who because you have nothing to say to either of us that we'd listen to."

"Matt, calm down." I grabbed his arm pulling him back. "I got this, Matt."

He looked back at me. "You got this? There's nothing to get! He almost-" 

"Matt, that's enough!" I pushed pass him. "Go sit and study. Something!"


"Nope. Go Matt."

"Ugh. Just be careful." Matt glared at Benjamin, gave me a kiss on the cheek then walked into the house.

I exhaled then looked at Benjamin. I hadn't noticed how horrible he looked. His eyes and cheeks were slightly sunken in, and he looked a little pale.

"Are you alright? You look horrible." I closed the door and motioned him over to a table on the patio. I sat down, and Benjamin followed then sat next to me.

He sighed heavily. "I can't stop thinking about you, Kylee. I see you in every girl I talk to. I stay awake at night thinking about what we were."

"What we were? Benjamin wasn't your goal-"

"It was at first, but I fell in love with you, Kylee." He grabbed my hand and looked me in the eyes. 

I looked at our hands then at Benjamin. I exhaled then let go of Benjamin's hand.

"I'm sorry Benjamin, but-" Benjamin abruptly kissed me. 


"Kylee, I'm sorry." Benjamin pulled away. "I love you, Kylee. I loved you, and I still do."


He rested his forehead on mine. There was a silence. My heart pounded loudly.

What do I do...? I can't speak...

"Just what are you doing?" 

Benjamin and I turned to see Matt.

"I told you that I'm not sharing. Kylee is mine."

Benjamin stood up. "I didn't expect to fall in love with her, but who wouldn't? She's beautiful, smart, caring-"

Matt shoved Benjamin. "You don't get to fall in love with her because she's already taken."

Benjamin shoved Matt. "What gives you the right to declare that?" 

"I'm her-"

I pushed them both away from each other. "That's enough! We don't need to fight about this. Let's just calm down, and come up with a peaceful way to resolve this."

Benjamin sat back down. "I agree." We both looked at Matt. 

"Why? Kylee. We're dating, and he just came and tried to ruin our relationship."

"Matt, what did we say about considering each other's thoughts?"

"Yeah, but what about mine?" 

There was silence then I spoke calmly. "We'll take it into account if you're willing to be reasonable."

Matt rolled his eyes then plopped down into the chair next to mine.

There was another silence, and I spoke first.

"So, I was thinking... One date. One day. All three of us."

Matt grunted rolling his eyes. "Why would I share?"

"Matt. It's just one day." I turned to Benjamin. "What do you think?"

He exhaled. "Even if it's just one day then I'm alright with it. After this date, I will leave you both alone... As long as Kylee and I stay friends."

"Of course we'll stay friends." I turned back to Matt. "Matt, we've all gotta agree on this. Benjamin's being reasonable, and he promises to move on after. It's a fair deal as long as you agree too since," I cleared my throat then did air quotes as I spoke. "I'm yours."

Matt exhaled in compliance then ran his fingers through his hair. "One date? One day? All three of us?" Matt looked at me.

I nodded. "Yes, then it'll just be us." I grabbed his hand.

He looked at our hands then Benjamin then me. "Alright. We can do it."

I smiled. "Yay! I'm so happy we came to an agreement!" I looked at Matt and Benjamin. 

Benjamin was smiling at me. Matt seemed content, but slightly annoyed.

"Hey Matt." Benjamin slightly poked Matt's arm. "How about we plan together for Kylee?"

Matt exhaled then smiled at Benjamin. "Fine dude."

I smiled standing up. "I'll leave you two to it then." I walked away to the front door then looked back at the both of them.

They were talking quietly, and one of them would laugh some. I smiled.

At least they're getting along.... Then my eyes widened and I blushed deeply. 

But what would it be like having two boyfriends...?

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