Chapter: 5

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*Kylee's P.O.V.*

"Ah! Benjamin! Put me down!" I was squeamish in Benjamin's arms as he picked me up.

"Chill out Kylee." He put me down then kissed my forehead. "I told my dad that we were visiting for the weekend."

"The weekend?!?"My heart raced. 

"Yeah, is there a problem with that? I can reschedule-"

I shook my hands in the air. "No! No! It's alright."

He smiled and kissed my forehead again. "Come by later and we'll go. Have clothes for the weekend."

I nodded and Benjamin waved walking away.

Just what would we do this weekend? Would his father approve of me...? What's his father even like?

*Later that Day*

I fixed my hair, my dress, and my makeup as I stood outside Benjamin's house. I really wanted to meet his father, but I was nervous. I raised my hand to ring the doorbell. 

I was shaking. 

I closed my eyes then waited for it to ring... And it did. I stood there with my face flushed. There was no response, and the door opened to reveal Benjamin's step father.

"What are you doing here?" There was a hint of alcohol on his breath.

"Umm... Is Benjamin here?" I looked up at him.

He rolled his eyes. "I don't know. The kid never tells me what he's doing."

There was a moment of silence.

"I... I'll just come back later." I turned to walk away.

"How about you don't? Benjamin is behind because he's got his head in girls' boobs rather than in his books. He doesn't need a girlfriend right now."

I turned back towards him. "Excuse me? You must not realize that ever since we started dating his GPA has rocketed to a 3.4. That's because of me. If it wasn't for me he'd still be taking remedial classes. Now I'll be back, and I'll be telling him about this."

"You don't have to." I was hugged by the waist from behind. "Kylee..."

"Ugh. Benjamin, don't come back." His step father closed the door.

"Come on. Let's go." Benjamin took me by the hand.

"Oh! Okay." We got in the car to drive to Benjamin's father's house.

"He'll love you, okay?" He opened my door, and I got in. He got in and started the car. "You'll most likely be seeing him instead of my mother now."

He pulled out of the driveway and started driving away.

Curiosity filled my voice. "Why do you say that?"

"Well, I'm moving in with him starting next week."

Curiosity turned into concern. "What! Benjamin, doesn't he live out of-" He interrupted me.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to let a little distance ruin us." He placed one of his hands on my knee. "I really love you, Kylee."

I blushed deeply and my heart thumped. Benjamin laughed continuing to drive.

*Some time later*

"Come on Kylee. We're here." Benjamin got out, and I did too. I stretched yawning. "You ready?" Benjamin was holding my bag and his bag.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I fistpumped nervously.

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