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We started dating and it was all so cool we had our ups and downs just like any couple , and yah to be honest it was all good till summer .

On summer we met like two times , but before that we had a sort of a struggle i would say . It is tha when on summer i used to wake up at about 11AM and do nothing for the whole day and fransisco wouldn't mind to wake up all he does is stay awake at night (while i'm sleeping) and sleep on the day (while i'm awake) like i would be dead sleepy but wait for him till he gets online and if not i'll just sleep . He would use his phone until 2AM when i'm already asleep . Now that alone pissed me off a lot because i really miss him and want to go out with him but i can't since my parents are really strict . Anyways i talked him about it but it was no use and once he came late at night sent me a text and i said goodnight because i was so angry then he was like what's wrong , you usually don't sleep at that time , it's still early .... But i didn't want to say why because i've already had enough talking about it . As a result he got so angry and strated yelling saying something i really didn't like , as i got mad because of what he said . I told him to consider himself single . and yah we broke up :) 

The next day , i had a birthday party and i got ready like dressed well got makeup done but did nothing regarding my hair i just left it natural and i really liked the look i took so many pictures and posted that all over my social media , Fransisco did see them and liked some of them .

then i went to the mall , knowing his birthday is like two weeks away i thought of buying him a gift . I went with the idea of buying a REALMADRID hat but ended up buying a REALMADRID shirt since i found no hat .


My close friend made a snapchat group with the three of us and she texted us saying we sould talk to fux our problems and stuff , and yah we talked for like hours trying to figure out this shit .

Then i told him if we could talk on the phone , because that's what i wanted and he said yah so we talked for like 2hours on the phone , i kept saying that i miss him and stuff he said he didn't like how i acted before that is why he lost it and said stuff ... but yah when i ended the call he went to have lunch . Afterwards he texted me and asked me about our situation and i said that if he wants we could date again but if he doesn't then let's keep on being friends even tho it would be so hard on me . And he said let's start dating again and i said yes ofcourse and this is how i got my bae back . My one and only bae . Then comes his birthday on the 10th august i asked my dad if he could drive me to my friends house and he said okey and we agreed to meet at a pizzeria near her house and we did . I was so happy to see the love of my life after two months , i was on my period so it was hard to just sit there and act like no cramps , butyah i was so happy to see him again . 









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