heart break ...

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Well christa the girl I told you about previously , Francisco had a crush on her  . And he totally forgot about me while becoming friends with her, it was just like he got blinded all he wanted to do was to get her and win her heart even tho it meant to stay away or even lose me . this is the worst part of it all , being replaced , it was and it still is hurting me and tearing me whenever I remember it because it wasn't an easy obstacle to overcome or to face but let's not forget about three people who really was there for me at the time so I really wont forget about them even tho we are not that close right now these three were zico who's girlfriend is marina (not her real name tho ) and then marco 

let's make stuff clear the girl whom i told you about when i mentioned that he told her his caring and pretending to love me was just out of pity and not real love is MARINA and then comes zico her boyfriend these two are the same age as i we were 15 at the time and they were so nice to me and they handeled me through all of that 

but for MARCO it's kinda complicated bcs i just met him at the night courses and he was 2years older than me (quite hot tho) and i kinda felt something for him we even started talking o ig and became really close at the time i wasn't talking to Francisco so it makes sense that marco was like a replacement there is alot to talk about at that time and i wish i could just skip it to now but all stuff is related so i cant not talk about it or just skip it and so i am gonna talk about major points in all of this 

the thing is christa and her best friends were talking about me being a bad friend for hating her bcs she got along with francisco and marco heard about it so in a way to comfort me he went texted christa to tell her that him and I are dating and that she doesnt need to worry about me thinking about anything and stuff to be honest we weren't even dating he didn"t even know i was crushing about him but he actually told her we were i liked that actually like really i did !!!
Heey guys how are you all doing jere i am with another 300words chapter i know this one is small but i promise to write longer ones soon ❤

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