Chapter One

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I don't know why they got together in the first place. Percy and Annabeth just didn't work well together. Annabeth worked well with someone who just listened and went with everything.

Percy's the leader of Camp. He can't do that. And plus, it's not who he is. If he has something to say, he says it.

It was the end of the summer, and it was time to renew files or whatever. Being on the council, I had to help. Some kids had already left. Others hadn't. It was basically the seven, Nico, Grover, and Will.

Somebody stumbled along a file of a camper that was apparently very sensitive to Annabeth.

Not recognizing the name, Frank asked about it.

"Luke Castellan?"

You could feel the tension just in the room as Percy holds his breath, because Annabeth didn't want to talk about it. Grover, Clarisse, and Will just looked at her. Waiting for her to say something about it.

"What?" Hazel asked. "Is he like... A bad dude or...?"

And I never caught on to what Annabeth said. But she said something, and then Thalia told her to grow up. After that, Annabeth got defensive and Percy took Thalia's side.

Yeah. We had never seen Percy and Annabeth actually argue before. Bicker dumb shit, sure. We all have. But not like something to actually get upset over.

Everyone else has argued. But due to Percy's ability to always stay so calm, they've never argued. I've never seen Percy that annoyed or mad.

Well Annabeth gave him reason to go there, I guess. Because he fucking snapped.

"Oh my gods, Annabeth!" I don't think Percy was sure if he wanted to cry or punch a wall right now. "He's dead!"

She didn't want to hear that. And Percy knew that. I think he knew that she didn't want to think about it. But he also knew he was a bit terrifying when he was mad. So he calmed his voice down.

"He's gone," Percy broke the news to his girlfriend, now level. "Okay? He's not coming back, Annabeth. Luke, Bianca, Zoë, Lee, Castor, Beckendorf, Michael, Silena, Ethan... I... They're dead. And that's that, Annabeth. I know it sucks. They were my friends, too. But you can't pretend it never happened."

"Just look at where it got me," Nico pitched into this conversation, which threw most of us off. I thought Nico was like pretty new. I figured he came the summer before we came here. We came in the winter. It would make sense. "I doubt that she'd be able to recognize me anymore. It gets you nowhere, Annabeth. You've told me that before."

She stepped out of the room for a minute. Thanks went to make sure she'd be okay.

"Are you still not allowed to visit her?" To see Percy and Nico not argue was a sight, let me tell you. It was kind of nice.

"No," the son of Hades confirmed for him, shaking his head. "I don't know if it's because of her or my dad. But either way, it's for the better. Gods know where I'd be if I was still trying to get her back."

"Wh..." I don't know where my courage came from to ask. But I was curious. I don't really know Nico all that well. He kind of gave me a weird vibe. I didn't want to get involved. "Who are we talking about?"

"My sister, Bianca," Nico said and I mean, that made my heart break for him, "she died a few years ago. Why do you think things are weird between Percy and myself?"

We didn't fucking know. We figured that it was just something that happened right away that they just didn't click. A mutual thing.

"Is that not what happened?" Hazel asked, because of course now we want to know.

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