"Ok pussy ass nigga." Dwayne said before walking down the hall.

I then turned down the hall until I reached Crystal's first period class.

Peaking my head in, I instantly spotted her, but frowned when I saw who she was sitting by.

"Hell nah." I said to myself, quickly walking my ass in that class.

Her teacher wasn't in there to say shit to me.

Without a word I took a seat beside Crystal. "What's up baby?" I said, eyeing that weird ass nigga.

I didn't give a damn if I interrupted their conversation. I told his ass not to talk to her.

"Oh hey Chris." Crystal greeted.

"So, about yesterday. You never called me back." I said.

"Yeah sorry. I ended up falling asleep." She said.

"At 6:00 during the day?" I rose my eyebrows.

"Yeah. I can't take a nap?"

I chuckled. "Yeah baby you can. I was just wondering."

I glanced back over at weirdo, but he was just looking down at some papers on his desk.

"What's up nigga." I said.

He slowly looked and me and then back down.

I frowned. "I said what's up fat fro ass nigga."

"Chris." Crystal said, sounding kind of annoyed. "Don't."

"Aye why are you even talking to my girl bro? I thought I made it clear last week that you're gonna keep your distance." I said.

The nigga still didn't respond, but I noticed his jaw clench.

"I know you hear me talking to you blood. On gang keep yo ass away from my girl."

"She's not your girl..." he said lowly.

I mugged him a bit. "Yes the fuck she is."

"Chris. We're not a couple." Crystal butted in.

"See." The nigga said without looking up. "Stop playing yourself."

I looked at Crystal and she was looking at me.

"Chris yeah we talk, but not once have we made anything official." She said.

I nodded. "I feel you, but that doesn't mean you still not mine. I got you and I'm trying to build up to that point, so you need to understand that that means you're no longer available to others. Especially this dude."

"Chris chill." She said.

"You wasn't saying that when I was in your bed the other night." I smirked, looking over at lil nigga.

He didn't seem phased, which irritated me.

"If you think you're trying to make me jealous or something, just stop." The dude said.

The Boy With The ShadesWhere stories live. Discover now