Chapter 10: Shoot Me.

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"What the fuck is your problem?"

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"What the fuck is your problem?"

Jade's voice reverberated throughout the space around them as she pushed the broad back of the man in front of her. She winced as her shoulder ached in protest to the action.

He barely stumbled forward when she pushed him and he turned his body to face her, anger showing on his features as he pursed his plump lips and clenched his sharp jaw. His strong hands shot out and forcefully shoved her back.

"I don't have a problem."

His voice was normal, not showing any emotion in it. And because of his nonchalant demeanor, anger surged throughout her entire body. Everyone around them was upset as well; not one of them liked the outcome of the mission. Sure, the girls in the house were safe and with the police; however, the pimp who shot at Jade, causing her to jump out of the way and dislocate her shoulder, had escaped before Bailey or Sam could kill him.

But despite how upset everyone else was with the way their first mission ended, no one said anything—allowing Jade to handle the oldest man in the group by herself.

"No, clearly you do," she scoffed, not believing anything he had to say, as she crossed her arms over her chest. "'Cause, you see, Bailey over there—" she pointed to the younger girl—"just had to pop my shoulder back into place because somebody had bit of a hit to his ego before the mission started. You've seen the letter. You knew what we had to do!"

Her voice rose a little louder with each word she spoke. She was clearly extremely angry with the whole situation and Shawn just rolled his eyes.

"I just went to make sure that the backyard was cleared—"

Jade interrupted him as she stepped even closer to him.

"And you didn't take him out. And so I got hurt." She paused, cupping her hand on her chin as if she was thinking about something. "Well, now thinking back on it, maybe you did it on purpose."

His eyebrows scrunched together as if she had suddenly grown an extra head and started breathing fire.

"What? You're crazy."

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