Chapter 30 (Final)

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In the morning, I didn't see Ash. I looked around and saw him lying on the ground. I could tell he was still annoyed with me from yesterday. I went to him, and started kissing him awake. He didn't wake up at first, but he did after a few minutes.

"Morning baby," I said with an amusing smile on my face.

"Good morning to you too ba-" he started with a smile on his face. Then he remembered something and made a pitiful frown on his face, "Wait, I'm still mad at you."

I chuckled and he gave a little smirk when I did.

"Is that why you slept on the floor last night?"

"Yes my darling fiancee. It is. Are you not annoyed at me?" He said, clearly confused.

"No. In fact, I think it's hot. You thinking you can get mad and try to make a point for more revenge then you already took. In turn that means you owe me."

"Oh Elizabeth you still don't get it," he said with a disappointing look on his face.

I gave a confusing one as he got up. I asked,"Don't get what, Ash?"

"I owe you everything."

"No you don't. Darling," I said starting to stand up. Then I went behind him and hugged him,"You have set me free from a life that wasn't mine to live. You showed me love that is very true and compassionate as well as loyal. You waited for me when I left. You came to get me, even when I told you never to, when I was in trouble. You were patient with me when I didn't know who to choose. You understood why I was having trouble. You had no doubt I would choose you, even when I did. You then took me willingly after I chose you. You took me with your heart on the line. In both timelines you waited and sill chose me when it came to it. You were always there for me, even when I was mad at you. You were, are, and always will be there. If anything I owe you everything," I said.

He did start to tear up, but probably because he was thinking about what he was going to say to me.

"That was very sweet darling. There are many reasons I owe you everything as well. You are the one who helped me believe in love again. I was in a dark place at a point in my life. That was when you left me for my own when you were dating Adrian. I thought about a million things. Why did my parents leave me? Was I not good enough for them? Why weren't you my friend anymore? Was I not good enough for you? Did you start to notice my feelings for you? Did Adrian tell you to stay away? Then I started going dark. Doing minor things and letting them slide into me and not doing anything about it. I let myself fall into a place I never wanted to go. Then Adrian came to me and said that he was going to ask you to marry him. Of course I didn't say he couldn't, for you weren't with me. I was his childhood friend that was good for him. I told him to go for it. That was it for me. I was packing to leave and go rogue. I was leaving and never returning. Then you came to me. You said you loved me. You were the one that was always there for me when I needed you, and I needed you. I realized what I was doing and I stopped myself. That was it for me. You were the light in my darkness. You retaught me how to love and hope again, even though you didn't know it. When you left I waited and waited for you. You said that you would leave and come back home one day, you promised me. Then Adrian learned where you were hiding. I had to see you. He found us and I was heartbroken that you remembered him and not me. Then Ben showed up and I was jealous as ever. I was never jealous before. Nothing mattered to me until you were mine. I saw you were getting closer to Ben, even when you had your memories. I was getting angry. Then Ben and I became friends. We always avoided the topic until that day. I knew you were mine from the start. I was always there for you as you were there for me. You chose me like I hoped you would. I never knew for certain, unlike you said. You taught me a lot of things, including how to love. I fall more in love with you every single day. I hear your voice and it fills me with joy. I see your beautiful face and I almost die. I asked you to marry me because I know we will always be together. I know we will overcome any and all obstacles that will come our way. I am yours and most importantly, you are mine."

I was crying before he started partly because it was from my own speech. It was all there. The reason that he loved me when we began. The reason he loves me now. Lastly the reason he will love me in the future.

"You know that was a better speech than your proposal one," I said.

"Hey," he said, slightly offended. "I worked really hard on that speech."

"I could tell," I said and started laughing.

Then I remembered something he said, "Light in the darkness." I murmured.

"What?" He said, not hearing what I said.

"Light in the darkness," I said a little louder. "THAT'S IT!!" I shouted and ran to go to Ben and the girl I met yesterday.

I knocked and the girl answered the door.

"What do you want?" She asked very coldly.

"I'm here to see Ben," I said confidently.

"You have no right to see hi-" she started.

"Ingrid that's enough," Ben said very weakly.

"But Ben she's-" she tried again.

"A friend with a lot of explaining to do," he said and gave me a weak smile.

Ingrid, an averaged height blonde woman, left somewhere in the house.

"It's nice to see you again-" he started

"Elizabeth," I said.

"What?" He asked in disbelief.

"'It's nice to see you again' Elizabeth," I repeated.

"Oh my gods. Ingrid was right. You have no right to be here," he said, realizing that I lied to him.

"Ben I need you to listen to me," I said very patient knowing he would say something he needed to hear himself say.

"Why? You lied to me. You wouldn't even confess you were you even after I said I was under a spell. You left me here thinking that you hated me when I still loved you," he said, getting louder, but quieting down as soon as he did.

"Loved?" I said with an eyebrow raised.

"Yea. Loved"

"Why loved?"

"I don't know. Maybe it's something about this place."

"Something, or someone?"




Then I saw his eyes light up.

"Yes. YES INGRID!!" He shouted, immediately regretted it due to his hangover, but disregarded it as soon as he heard her voice.

"Ben, what is it?" She asked very worryingly.

Then he kissed her. Of course she was shocked, but she kissed him back. They eventually pulled apart and looked at each other. They had so much love in their eyes. That was the look that Ash shows me, but Ben never gave me. I knew I could go home now.

They both thanked me for everything. Ash and I went back home. I knew that everything was going to be fine after that.

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