Chapter 7

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We got to eating and then we left. I was distracted the whole ride and Ash noticed.

"What's wrong?" Ash asked

I didn't say a thing. I just stared at absolutely nothing and thought about the dream. So, either that was a dream or it was a vision. Doesn't matter I need to get this out of my head. In other words I can't tell Ash. I'll just have to stall.

"It was nothing. Just a shock," I said.

"Do you want to talk about it?"


So we just rode. Finally, after a few more days, I felt a familiar place. I knew this place. It was the place in my dream!

"This can't be a coincidence," I said. Not knowing I said it allowed.

"What are you talking about?" Ash asked.

"I had a dream about this place. Last night. That was why I woke up," I said.

"Will you tell me about it?"


So I followed Ash feeling like I had done something similar to this, but it was backwards. I was in front. I was leading him. Why was this happening? I thought that this was going to be easy then I thought that this was going to be easy. Then all of the memories that I had had were coming back. Not the wolfy ones but the other ones. With Ben and my other friends. The wrong life. I knew it too.

"Now what?" Ash asked.

"What?" I said.

"You always give that look when you feel something. What's wrong?" He said, annoyed I wasn't telling him anything.

"I was thinking about my old life. How peaceful it is.
Or was. Either way I am going to miss it."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that I am not going back. When I get my memories I will stay. I will always wish to go back but I can't. No matter how much I want to. I came too far to turn back now. I will not go back."

He was happy about this news. What I didn't know was that my life from the past would now leave me alone.

Then we started forward. Eventually we found a cave.
I was about to enter, but I stopped myself. Ash was clearly confused. He was about to say something. But I continued. Then I heard a very familiar voice.


I turned around.


It was him. My best friend. Also my fiancée. He never left me. I didn't know what to do, so I just stood there for a second.

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