Chapter 17

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"Ash? What are you doing here? No, what's going on? Are you okay?" I said and hugged him while I was at it. "I'm so sorry Ash. I'm sorry for everything I said. Can you please forgive me?"

"I would forgive you if I knew what the problem was, and whomever you are," he said.

Then my heart broke. Ash doesn't remember. How can he forget me? I wasn't serious why I made the wish. I wish that I never made that wish. Heck I wish I never said the things I did. All I needed to do now was get us back to our time.

"Ash, take me home- I mean to your home. Please, I don't feel good and mine is too far away," I said rubbing my hands on my belly.

"Of course. And my name isn't Ash. It's Christopher," he said clearly amused he had to say his name.

That's when I knew something was up. Ash- Christopher wouldn't act like that if it weren't him, I don't think. Ash was always a serious person, but I don't know what Chris will be like.

"So, Christopher, is it okay if I call you Chris?" I asked, with total curiosity. This was also a test. If he said yes immediately then this was not Ash.

"Yea I guess it's fine," he said.

"Well my name is Elizabeth," I said, clearly depressed.

"Nice to meet you," he said.

"You as well," I said, on the verge of tears.

This wasn't Ash. This was truly Christopher. I needed to figure out who he is in this life. He is the love of my life after all.

We arrive in a place very familiar. It was my home. Well my second home. It was Somanowa. I couldn't believe I was back home.

Then two older people came to hug him. Then he called them,"Mom and dad." These were his parents. This must have been where he was born.

"Now Chris, who is this?" Asked his mother.

"Mom, dad this is Elizabeth. I saw her in the woods and she said she needed rest," he said.

"Well of course she does. She looks like she's about to pop," said Chris's mother with enthusiasm.

"Yes ma'am I feel like I am. I'm 7 months pregnant. Could pop any day though. Tomorrow I will be 8 months," I said. I had to act happy because this is a different life and I'm in love with the man who is this child's father.

"Well come inside and rest. You probably need something to eat," she said, she rushed me inside.

She sat me on the couch, and gave me a loaf of bread. She also got me a glass of water.

"So what were you doing out in the woods?" Said the mother.

"I was taking my daily ride. I decided on a new trail today," I said.

"I'll say. Chris has been down that trail many times and has never seen you there. I would know he tells me everything," she said.

Then Chris walked in with....Ben!!! I almost cried right then and there.

"Dear are you alright? Your eyes look watery," said the mother.

"Oh yes. They do that sometimes. I swear I can't get control of my own body anymore," I said while wiping my eyes.

Ben and Chris are getting along. That is a sight I thought I would never see. I nearly laughed, but I contained it...for now.

"I must be heading back, for my husband will be worrying about me soon," I said, I swore that A-Chris had a hint of jealousy in his eyes.

With that I left. It took me a few hours, but I got there before sundown. Adrian came to me and I got my knife out.

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