Chapter 9

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I started dreaming my memories, trying to force them back with no success. I saw my parents. I saw how Ash and I met. I saw most everything. Me growing up with the wolves, my relationship with Ash and even Adrian. Adrian was a nice boy. Him and I were truly in love. We were almost left to start something more with each other. However, I knew something wrong; the whole time as well. I just couldn't see it. Not the whole time anyways. It wasn't until I started thinking of Ash again that I realized that I didn't love Adrian, but I loved Ash.

Then I saw my transformation into the person I am now. My memories tampered with, and even my appearance. My hair changed from brown to blonde, eyes from green eyes to brown, tan skin to fair. My clothes even changed. The only thing that stayed the same was my pendant. It was from my mother, but my real one of course. I could never open it. It was used with a special spell that only my mother knew. It contained something important. That is something she always said. Now, most of my memories are back. When I regained consciousness, then........... nothing. Absolutely nothing happened. I thought maybe I would get my old body back, but no.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Ash asked.

"Well, I'm still in my changed body. Why didn't I change back?"

"Oh. Well we have to go for a different cave for that.
This one was just to regain memory. The one to regain your former body is about 40 miles from here." He looked like he had some thinking to do on that last statement."It shouldn't take us long since you know how to turn back into a wolf and everything."

"Okay. Now there is something I need to say." I turned around to Ash and punched him where it hurt,"Why in the world did you not take the short-cut? You had no reason to do otherwise."

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