Chapter 24

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I know it's not real, but it's real enough for me. I saw my mother. This is the second time I saw her. At least for what I remember. I ran and hugged her, and she hugged me back. She looked at me, and she was crying as well as I was. I was so happy until she stopped crying and made a serious face.

"Elizabeth, you've done so much, but it might be all for nothing," she said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"She means, that if you don't transform back to your original self soon, you won't ever be able to. This is your last night, and you might loose it all," said a man.

I looked and it was my dad. I ran and hugged him as well.

"Hey, baby girl. I'm so proud of you. But you have to transform," he said.

"I know, and I finally found the right cave. All-" I started.

"Right cave? Baby, you don't need a cave; however, it can help," my mother said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Elizabeth, who are you?" My dad asked.

"I'm Elizabeth, your daughter," I said, severely confused.

"Yes we know, but who are you?" My mom asked.

"I'm Elizabeth. Daughter of Zachariah and Lynette Osburn. I am the five times great granddaughter of a chief. I am a werewolf that can transform whenever she wants to. I am one of the strongest in my pack. I will not loose this battle against myself because I am Elizabeth Warren  Osburn," I said.

My parents smiled, and I woke up. I felt really strange. Then, I started glowing. I finally realized what I had to do this whole time. I had to find myself. Then I was being raised in the air and I gladly rose. I smiled, and started to transform into my normal self. I had my brown hair, green eyes, and tan skin back. Along with my clothes: It was a brown shirt with a big brown jacket. The jacket was huge because it was winter when I transformed. I had my pants back on, which are a shade darker than my shirt. My brown knee-high boots with all my knives. Finally I had my cover for my sword back in place on my hip. I was back to myself. Then I had to do one more thing to make sure. I stripped and transformed. I was truly back. It was me.

When I transformed back, I got dressed and started tracking Ash. He was about a day away from here. I had my wolf senses back, so I used my sense of smell to help me out as well. I started running. When nightfall came, I had to get ingredients to make a spell. Then I transformed back.  Since our clothes couldn't transform with us, we made a spell to get them to do that so we wouldn't have to strip every time we wanted to transform. It would last permanently if we had a specific rare plant called Titan arum. You had to boil it to get the essence of it. I got all of the plants ready, and started looking for a fox. I needed fresh fox blood. When I found it I immediately threw my knife and hit it, killing it immediately.

As I was going back I noticed something, a Titan arum. I got it and went back. I had all of the ingredients ready in less than an hour. When the Titan arum was properly boiled, I put the rest of the ingredients in the essence. Then I waited for it to cool. When it was cooled enough I drank it. The taste was foul, but I know it worked. That would take a load off my hands in helping to find my pack, and helping me find Asher. I cooked the fox for supper, and I went to sleep when I was done.

I didn't dream because there was nothing to dream about. All of my dreams came true. When I woke up, I saw someone I never wanted to see again.

Wolf LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora