Chapter 16

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It was morning when I woke up. At least I thought I woke up. I was in a bed. The sheets were silk with a huge, thick blanket on top.The room was huge and very white. I knew something was wrong. I went to get out of bed, but when I took the covers off I immediately felt cold so I knew there wasn't really that much I had on. I quickly covered up when someone opened the door. It looked like a maid. She looked at me as of surprised I was there. I was about to speak, but she beat me to it.

"Good morning madame Elizabeth. I must say I'm surprised to see you up this early,"she said.

"I'm sorry. Should I go back to sleep? I mean the sun is up," I said.

"No ma'am, but with your condition you like to stay in longer."

I had a confused look in my face. When she saw that, she placed her hand on her stomach. Then I realized what she was saying. I am PREGNANT!!!!!! I can't believe it. I do not want to wake up from this dream. Wait, who's the father?

"Should I help you get dressed?"she said.

I looked down and realized I look like I'm about to pop.

"Yes please," I said to her.

She helped me get dressed, which was longer than it would take me by myself. It is probably due to the fact that I'm pregnant, and I'm not doing it myself. When we got done, she left me. I went to stand by the window when the door opened again. I thought of the events that happened before I went to sleep. Then I remembered. A fairy granted a wish I never meant to come true. I panicked and ran out the door. Then I ran into Adrian. He smiled at me, and I had to smile back remembering my wish.

"Morning, my love. What are you doing up so early, and running at that? You need to keep this little one safe remember," he said placing a hand on my stomach.

"You weren't in bed and I was worried. I came looking for you," I said. He seemed to buy the act, for now.

"Alright well, go downstairs and wait for me. This will be our first breakfast together since you got pregnant 7 months ago," he said.

So I went downstairs and waited as I was told. He came down a few minutes later.

"So how are you feeling today?" he asked.

"I feel tired and I don't feel like talking. I think a silent breakfast would do today if you don't mind," I said.

"Of course. May I ask though, what are you going to do after breakfast?"

"Take a stroll through the woods. The trees and flowers seem glorious this morning. I might ride though considering I'm pregnant."

"Of course. Make sure you be careful. You don't want to run into anyone or anything," he said with complete concern.

"I will."

After that it was silent, as I requested. He apparently had work in the village, so he left as I rode. While I was riding, I came upon a stream. I decided to stop and get something to drink. I had ridden for almost three hours. I also found some food nearby for eating. I was about to leave when I heard a crack of a branch. I got my knife I packed out of my shoe and waited. When they came within eye shot from the corner of my eye, I threw the knife. It was a good thing I missed because it was Ash.

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