Chapter 6

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After that I picked up the slack because I understood why he did what he did. That night was very weird because of the dream I had. It was the strangest dream I ever had. It felt so familiar like I had done it before. In all honesty it felt like a vision.

There was a girl and she looked like me, but I had the strangest feeling it was me. She had brown hair and eyes. She was 5'7 and a really awesome tan. She had this hunting outfit on. She wore black, leather boots and jacket then she had plain a black shirt and pants. She was nothing like me. I do love the color black but not that much. However there was one thing that threw me off. The necklace. It was a sliver locket. The base color was silver and there was a tiny gemstone on it. I couldn't really see it. What I did was walk closer to it. I saw it had a heart-shaped sapphire in the middle of it. It wasn't big it was actually tiny. That seemed to be the only priceless thing on it, but when she opened it there were two pictures one on either side. One of them had a picture of two people on it, and the other one had a picture of a little baby girl on it. I realized that the two people were her parents and that the little baby girl was her. She looked like she was starting to cry. That necklace looked just like her mom's. She had the strangest feeling to get it back.

Then wolves came out and they ran to her, but they weren't going to slow down. Then all of a sudden she turned into a wolf. She then fought all 10 of them and won the fight. Then they started to talk to each other. Another wolf came out and talked to her. She then turned into a human. Then that wolf turned into a human too. It was Ash.

Then I woke up.

I didn't know what happened. That girl looked like me, but didn't at the same time. Everything about her was different compared to me. She was dressed in black one. She could fight off 10 wolves. Then she talked to them. I can't talk to animals at all let alone fight. I'm not a person to hurt anyone or anything.

Ash woke up and saw me awake. He was curious but didn't question anything. He just went to go hunt. I got everything packed up and waited for him to return for breakfast.

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