Chapter 12 - Anything but you

Depuis le début

"So? Are you coming?" Sanna asked me, ignoring Traxx.

"Ok, but I will be horrifically out of place there." I said, looking at her.

"Like you would dare to leave me alone!" Ria hissed at me "Anyways we are going to have a blast together." She grinned with mischief.


"Hell, you are not wearing this!" Ria said horrified "That thing is like a nun outfit."

"It's a gathering, not some wild party!" I warned her.

"Oh, just let loose! Let your hair down and have some fun!" She enthusiastically hopped around me. I was positive Sanna would kill her. She was wearing short bright red skirt and killer black pumps. It was beyond me how she could walk in those, and she intended to drink tequila on top of that.

"Ehm, I must warn you I won't be the one carrying you back to your apartment." I stabbed a finger at her.

"We will be carrying each other." She laughed, pulling the clothes out of my closet. "Perfect!" She placed a beautiful black lace dress on the bed. It was actually a good choice, considering it was elegant and not trashy.

She added a chestnut high heels with black straps on them "What do you think?" She asked me, clearly content with her choice.

"It is decided." I grinned.

"We look awesome girl! The nerds will gawk at us!" She giggled loudly and shook her hips.

"Just don't be disappointed if it will be boring." I shook my head, smiling. I let my wavy long dark hair loose, just like Ria advised me.

"Not with Rob there! I am sure he would make it more interesting." She smirked at me and tapped on Sanna's scanner.

The minute later smiling Sanna opened the door but her face fell as she saw Ria "What the hell? This isn't a nightclub!" She whispered, nervously looking over her shoulder.

"Oh, relax!" Ria pushed through, confidently stepping in.

"Is it too much?" I said, glancing down at myself, worried.

"No, you are fine. But I will kill her!" She said through the clenched teeth.

The apartment was almost full when I entered. I stepped on my toes, trying to spot Ria's red dress. I noticed she was standing with Rob, laughing and when she detected me, she gestured me to join them.

"Hey." I nodded at Rob.

"Finally some good company!" He grinned. "How about we make this party a bit more interesting?"

"Hell yes!" Ria beamed, pulling my hand as we started moving through the crowd. I wasn't so sure about their plan, but I followed them anyway.

Rob stopped at the big audio system integrated into the wall, typing at the display. Without warning a loud, booming music vibrated through the room. Some heads turned, giving us a dirty look, others actually enjoyed it.

"No way!" Sanna appeared out of nowhere, vigorously typing at the screen, as she tried to turn the volume down.

"Oh come on!" Rob whined, putting his hands in the air.

"Not today!" She said with a harsh voice. "Now beat it!"

We moved our sorry asses to the kitchen. Rob and Ria found a bottle of tequila behind the counter, popping the lid. Ria plonked three glasses on the table, hopping on it.

"This is not such a good idea for me! Tequila and I don't match." I said, covering my glass.

"Oh come on! Relax!" Rob pressed.

"No, truly I am fine." I assured him, feeling a bit annoyed.

"More for us than!" Rob poured the liquid into their glasses.

"Cheers!" He grinned at Ria, as they clinked their glasses together. They drank the whole glass in one gulp, leaving me to gawk at them.

"Our tolerance is higher than human's Korina." Ria smiled. "That's how we party!" She wiggled her eyebrows, gulping down another dose of tequila.

"Awesome." I turned, intending to find Sanna. I pushed through the bodies and suddenly ducked as someone almost spilled his beer on me. Jumping to the side I collided with a hard chest, almost taking us both down. The person grabbed my waist, firmly steading me on the ground.

"Are you already drunk?" He accused me, his face irritated. I turned to look into Yannik's eyes, sighing deeply as I begged God for patience. "Well if you consider a glass of water an alcoholic beverage, then yes, I am tanked up." I took a step away from him, stretching my neck to find Sanna. "I had to move to avoid having spilled beer all over my dress." I gave up my search looking back at him.

"Why are you even here? This should be a quiet private gathering." He scowled at me, his beautiful eyes narrowing.

"I apologize if my presence disturbs you." I said sarcastically "I was invited." I truly thought he wouldn't show up tonight, or hoped that such things were beneath him.

I turned to leave, but then I abruptly spun around to look at him "Anyways." I stepped closer to him, taunting him "I thought I was your mission, so I should be present, don't you think?" Our eyes locked, and I felt an overwhelming need to ogle his full lips. Instead, I forced myself to glare into his eyes.

His jaw clenched tightly "Hardly. I don't imagine you would know anything about our systems."

Idiot. I had a sudden urge to bear my teeth and growl at him like an animal.

"You don't even know me." I gritted my teeth so hard, my jaw hurt.

"I know your type." He continued to glower at me.

"Excuse me? Enlighten me please, this should be good." I crossed my arms over my chest in a protective manner.

"Selfish, spoiled child, used to having everything, even if your parents didn't have enough money to support themselves. A child who steps on everyone, insults and destroys." He straightened himself.

I stared, shocked at what he thought of me. "You couldn't be more wrong." I lost it then, stepping so close we almost touched. "And if I truly was your mission, you would know me by now, since you obviously have all the information. If you think I would act hurtfully towards my friends and family, then you should put your nose away from the screen once in a while and actually get to know the person before you insult them." I turned on my heels and walked away from his stunned face. My whole body trembled with rage. Arrogant, self-centered bastard!

"We are leaving!" I commanded intoxicated Ria, who could barely walk on her own.

"Oh come on!" She said, hiccupping loudly. "But I am having so much fun! Don't be such a spoilsport!" She slurred, her pupils dilating.

"I am not leaving you like this!" I said, throwing her over my shoulder.

"I think I am going to throw up." I heard her behind my back.

"Don't you dare!" I ran to my apartment at blinding speed, pushing her head in the toilet at the last second.

"So much for a higher tolerance." I smirked, holding up her hair. As she finished, her legs gave way, and I lifted her up, carrying her to my bedroom. After bringing her a glass of water I quietly shut the door, making my bed downstairs, on the sofa. But I stared at the ceiling for a long time. I couldn't fall asleep as I replayed the events from this evening in my mind. 

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