"Are you ever gonna get tired of doing that?"

"Are you kidding me? You fall for it everytime!" Raven exclaims.

"Ha ha ha, you've fooled me." Clayton says jokingly. He strides over to her, and places a kiss on her cheek. Raven leans away from him, and holds up the phone to his eyes.

"Ezra wants to talk with you."  

Clayton takes the phone within his grasp, and beams at the screen.

"How's my boy doing?"

"Papa! Papa!" Ezra squeals. His black curls flopped into his eyes, and his dimpled grin reminded Clayton of Raven's smile.

"Are you being nice to the babysitter?" Clayton questions, he watches as his son's excitement comes to a standstill, and the child looks up and away from the screen.

"I didn't think so." Clayton announces. Ezra begins pouting at the screen, a last ditch effort to not gain a scolding from his father.

"Ah, ah, ah. I invented pouting, Ezra..doesn't work on me."

Ezra's head dipped, and he nodded.

"I sorry" Ezra whispers, and finally passes the phone back to the babysitter.

"I'm so sorry, Dr. Bordeaux and Dr. Sorenson. He got to my phone so quickly, and I guess he recognized something on my phone, and video called you." the babysitter, Rachel, fretted.

"You're fine Rachel. I'm glad I got to see his face before this thing got anymore stressful." Clayton said calmly lulling the woman's fears. They ended the call just a few short minutes before Clayton ascended the steps onto the stage. He slid on his perfect smile, and walked across the stage with an assured stride.  He took the small token trophy, gave the presenter a firm handshake, and set the item on the podium. He gripped the podium, and looked over the crowd.

"It is my greatest pleasure to be able to receive the Chale Gala's Outreach Award."    
A chorus of claps resounded throughout the ballroom, and Clayton continued on with his speech.

"However, this honor is not just for me. My wife, although you all most likely have great wives as well, is the most amazing person I've ever known. Dr. Raven Bordeaux has a huge heart, and an even bigger vocabulary of sarcasm." His last few words garnered a few chuckles from the crowd.

"My wife and I made this organization because we ourselves know from firsthand experience what it's like to affected by trauma at a young age. We understand it's implications, and we strive to give children and teenagers the ability to overcome their trauma. Our organization helps provide free and quality therapy, as well as other  benefits. This honor allows for more funding to be implemented into our programs, and for our reach to extend to more children and teens..."

Clayton's voice was strong, until he faltered a bit at the end. His voice got thick with emotion, and his hands held onto the sides of podium tighter.           

"Overcoming various traumas is not easy. You can't wave a wand, and magically fix all the layers of problems that experiencing and witnessing trauma has created. It takes time, and sometimes it doesn't feel like you'll ever be more than your trauma. However, you can be. Maybe never 100% of the time, but you can be more than your trauma, and that's the mission we uphold."

A thunderous clap of applause ensued from the crowd, and Clayton gathered himself to leave the stage. Thoughtfully he faltered, and took to the mic once again.

"I'd like to call to the stage, my beautiful wife, Dr. Raven Bordeaux!" he announces, flourishing his hand to the side of the stage. Raven's eyes grew large, and she shook her head fiercely. Clayton grinned, and beckoned her forth. Raven gave out an exasperated sigh, and clambered up onto the stage. Her velvety green dress swished around her soundlessly. She waved at the crowd, and the clapping continued.

"Clayton Oskar Sorenson, what are you doing?" Raven whispers lowly when she reaches him.

"Giving you recognition" he says with a shrug. Clayton returned to his enigmatic self, enrapturing everyone's attention. He turned to the mic, and crowd again.

"A round of applause for Dr. Raven Bordeaux!"

The claps continue, even after they descend the stage. They continue to echo through their heads, even once they've gotten into their car. They still remained even once they'd entered their home, and relieved Rachel. The couple snuck upstairs quietly, and slowly opened Ezra's bedroom door. He was knocked out in his crib. His spiderman onesie snuggly fitted to his 2-year-old body. Clayton quietly lowered a side of the crib, which allowed for them to crouch down next to Ezra. Raven deftly balanced in a crouch in her floor-length dress, and placed a kiss onto Ezra's cheek. Clayton followed suit kneeling, and placed a kiss on top of Ezra's forehead. They quietly lifted up the side of the crib, and snuck out of the toddlers room.

"Did we really not wake him up?" Raven whispered as they quietly tiptoed to their bedroom.

"I think so" Clayton replied. They were mid-strip when the mewls of their child filled the air around them.

"Maman...Papa!" a groggy 2-year-old voice wailed.

"Spoke too soon" Raven groans.

"I got him, doll" Clayton says simply. He pulls on a pair of flannel pajama pants, and dips back into the toddler's room. He keeps the light off, and quietly sits beside the child. Ezra's eyes track Clayton's movement, and his wails die down.

"Papa" Ezra bubbles happily, and his head turns towards the doorway inquisitively.

"Maman?" he questions. Clayton shakes his head.

"We made a deal Ezra. We told you we'd give you goodnight kisses, but you had to be asleep when we got home."

"Ezra pa konnen" he mutters. His sleep filled eyes fluttered closed, but reopened to continue their conversation.

"You didn't know what, Ez?" Clayton asks, and expectantly waits for his reply.

"Kisses, Pa santi" he mumbles. His eyes were dipping closed.

"Just cause you didn't feel them, doesn't mean that we didn't give you them." Clayton replies simply.

"Do again" Ezra pushes, "Pwease Papa."

Clayton sighs, a small smile graces his face. He lowers the side of the crib once again, and places a kiss on Ezra's forehead. A gigantic smile lights up on the child's face.

"Mweci papa" Ezra mumbles, his head dipping finally onto the mattress of the crib. His breathing evened out, and Clayton crept out of the boy's room slowly. The door to the toddler's room closed with a soft click, and Clayton blew out a breath of relief. He meandered back into the bedroom he shared with Raven, and collapsed onto the bed. He wraps an arm around Raven, and pulls her closer into him.

"Doll, Ez got up just to make sure he got 'goodnight kisses'" Clay mumbles. Raven makes a sound similar to a gargled laugh, and sits up.

"He got up just for that."  A smile plays on Raven's face, as she turns to look directly at Clayton.

"Just for that, and then he conked out the minute he got a kiss."

Raven tries to suppress a laugh, but does so poorly.

"Our baby is so cute"

"And he said it partially in Creole to me"

A look of elation spread across Raven's face, "He did?"  Clayton nodded his head in assurance.

"Awh, I can't believe I missed that. He only uses Creole with me usually. Next time I seem tired, you do not let me go to bed." Raven says seriously. Clayton just nods his head, and murmurs lukewarm agreements. He knows Raven too well, and, when she was on the brink of falling asleep in the foyer, it wasn't undeniable that he took some precedence on getting her into bed.

"Clayton Oskar Sorenson, I'm serious. I'm missing pivotal moments!" Raven exclaims.  Clayton just smiles, and presses a kiss to her forehead.

"All of his bilingualism aside, we're gonna need to make a better game plan for his sleep schedule" Clayton yawns. Raven nods her head slightly, and shuts her eyes as well. Her body leans closer to him.

"Yeah, but that's for another day."


Hidden Behind WallsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora