Chapter 7- Abandoned Support

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Kyle's POV
Watching my boyfriend get hauled into a police car was like having a knife wielding maniac hunt me down and kill me. If he ever went to jail, for life, I'd be sent to a mental institution for going insane. Tyler's friends happily shouted, "You're gonna get locked up for life, Marsh! You messed with the wrong guy!" when Stan was getting carried off by the cops, one arm of his in each clenched hand of the two police officers. Craig and Kenny took care of Tyler's friends, they're in the hospital now. What a shame.

Tyler's friend's uncle was the new head chief. And let me say one thing, he's a dick. He said he can do whatever he wants because he's the head chief. This is South Park and things get out of hand and nobody follows the rules or the law. They kept Stan for a whole week, which made no sense whatsoever considering all he did was throw Tyler off a lunch table. That's not illegal, unless he killed him, which I was unknown of that possibility. Nobody allowed anyone to visit Stan, not even his family. Sharon was pissed, Randy was, well...Randy didn't exactly have the decency or soberness to care. He practically beat himself up with alcohol ever since Stan was 13. Not sure why but it's none of my business anyway.

Stan got out at 7:00 on Friday night. No contact with him was making everything worse. The cops took away his phone and his car keys. When they released him they finally gave both back. I had been going to school with a bad attitude all week, everyone knew why except the teachers and principals. Tyler's friends kept shooting dirty looks my way in the halls, I just flipped them off or told them to fuck off. They got out of the hospital the day after they went in. I was in no mood to play games with them. As much as I wanted to kick their asses, I didn't want any more drama. Craig and Kenny did that themselves.

Stan stopped home to pack a bag before coming over. Not seeing him was torture. A week is worse than someone may think. Everything had finally evened out and then Tyler's friends had to go ruin it. My mom noticed how miserable I was. "Something the matter, Kyle?" "Yeah, Stan's still not here." I paced back and forth in the living room with my energy drink in hand. "He'll be fine. Why did he throw a boy off a lunch table?" She questioned. "Because the boy kind of...he uh...proposed to me." Her eyes went wide when I said that. "What do you mean he proposed? He better know that you're Jewish and being gay is against your religion!" Great, now she was pissed off. Why couldn't she just support gay people? No harm is done by them, all they do is like the same gender.

"M-Mom, it doesn't matter if somebody who's Jewish is gay." I said. She looked like I just said I believed in something she was totally against. "Have you lost your mind, Kyle? Jewish people can't be gay! Nobody should! That's not what religion says is right! I better never find a gay person near my children!" Her voice was getting louder by each word. May as well come out with it. My dad just so happened to walk into the kitchen when I decided to say it, "Well I'm Jewish and gay, I've turned out just fine haven't I?" That's when her hand collided with my face after the big gasp escaped her lips. "WHAT WHAT WHAT?! I BETTER NEVER HEAR THOSE WORDS AGAIN! YOU HAVE CHOSEN SEXUALITY OVER YOUR OWN KIND! GET UP TO YOUR ROOM AND STAY THERE! GERALD BOARD UP HIS WINDOWS RIGHT NOW!"

The minute she said it my dad made his way out to the garage to get the ladder. Once he set the ladder up he returned from outside. I refused to be locked in my room so he had to put my hands behind my back and force me to walk up the stairs. I immediately called Stan and told him to bring the cops. He got to my house with cops within 15 minutes. My parents denied the whole thing and said I had boarded up my own windows for attention. Yeah okay sure. The cops said I had to stay with someone for the night at least. My dad had the big wood saw out in the open so the cops said it wasn't safe for me to stay. Ike was at his friends house again. Stan immediately spoke up and said I could stay with him. The cops agreed, I packed as much as I could into a big backpack and a duffel bag.

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